August 27th, 2008

[info]ferrellcat in [info]psychic_spirits

Oh my boring but strange dreams...

Last Friday I had a dream in which I dreamed about the change in clergy at church again. Just for some background, I (for some bizarre reason) I dream about the new priests at my church. When Mother Mudge left I dreamed I was went to the altar to receive Communion from the Bishop only ot find an elephant, a lion, and a giraffe laying down on the steps of the altar. I find out a couple of weeks later that the retired priest who came for a couple of years until we found a permanent priest spent time as the Chaplain to Barnum and Bailey's Circus. He spent 10 years doing some travelling with the circus as their Chaplain. Well, he is leaving soon and we will get a new priest soon. Last I heard there were a some good candidates but one had not been chosen. This time I dreamed of an older priest (maybe in his 50's) and a woman priest who was somewhat younger (maybe in her late 30's) as well as 2 young male priests fresh out of seminary. The older gentleman was in charge and came from a large church and his focus was to make this church grow. I think the young priests represent major changes for the church but I'm not sure about the older priests. The dream tell me much more about them except that they needed something. Of course it is my belief that we have all been called to Holy Spirit for spiritual growth, so maybe they have something to learn here as well...