June 5th, 2008

[info]ferrellcat in [info]psychic_spirits

A Haunting?

I have an investigation in the works. I spoke to a lady yesterday at the Ball Ground library. DH had been looking up "spookables" on the internet and was showing me some. When this lady realized I was a "pychic" she gave me her phone number and wants me to contact her about a ghost in her house. She is not troubled by it but her 2 yr old has been communicating with it. She believes it is the spirit of a gentleman who died in the house a year before she bought it. I can't wait to communicate. It may be a ghost but it may also be a spirit guide.

[info]ferrellcat in [info]psychic_spirits

St. Francis of Assisi

I have definatly felt the presence of St. Francis lately and I'm curious. I have had him come up in a dream recently and between the birds on my porch and the odd overly friendly behavior of the geese and the ducks at the park lately I have to wonder if St. Francis isn't trying to get my attention. (the geese are usually very cranky but have been reacting like my new bff lately.) HMMMM!

[info]ferrellcat in [info]psychic_spirits

St. Germain

I had a dream shortly before my little niece was born in which I dreamed of being religiously tortured with something resembling a heretics fork (I looked up medieval torture devices on the internet until I found the one in my dream) and arrows with blood flying all around me. I had posted about this dream on LJ right before my niece was born. Anyway, Fatima was mentioned and upon some research I discovered that Fatima, Portugal was a famous site of the Virgin Mary to 3 children and prophecies about WWI and II as well as other stuff. I had also dreamed the name of St. Germain. I don't know why I waited so long to research that name. There are so many Saints and I have done some research on some of them as they have become a source of interest for me. Again not sure why. Anyway I'm currently reading a biography of Francis of Assisi which is fascinating but I digress. Just on a fluke I googled St. Germain not expecting anything to come up. I probably should not have been surprised to find out that he was born c. 496 and died May of 576. His feast day is celebrated May 28. He was a bishop of Paris. This is according to a Catholic site. Another site apparently tracks the different incarnations believed to be lived by St. Germain including Christopher Columbus, Francis Bacon, and Merlin. Interesting...but why am I dreaming about Saints especially ones I have never heard of? Maybe I should ask my priest...