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Desperation: A New Superpower GPSL [17 Mar 2013|10:33pm]

Maybe it’s credit card debt. Maybe it’s a gambling addiction. Maybe it’s a prison sentence. Some mistake from your past is coming back to haunt you, and you’ll do anything to escape. So, when a man in a slick suit knocks on your door and offers you a golden opportunity to completely fix your life if you spend a year in a corporate testing facility, you take it. Why the hell wouldn’t you? Even if the injections they’re giving you are a little suspicious, the corporation’s going to reward you handsomely for your service. It’s only a year. Nothing will go wrong.

Will it?

Desperation is an original character, superpower GPSL based on twelve superpowered test subjects surviving for a year in an enclosed prison with a manipulatable environment. Each of them was desperate to escape their former lives, but the challenges aren't over yet....

[info]desperationic : [info]desperationmods : [info]desperationooc

rules : faq : taken/held : powers : app : wishlist : contact : mod dropbox

layout credit: x

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[17 Mar 2013|11:14pm]
[info]chicagolicious is a private group storyline community, based in none other than the beautiful windy city – otherwise known as Chicago, Illinois. We would like to pride ourselves in being laid back and open to creativity. Though we do have a few guidelines to follow, we don’t have the average activity requirements. This group was initially created for a handful of writers looking to build a storyline together. However, we are definitely very welcoming to the idea of others joining in on the fun with us!

Our adds are set to occur every Sunday. If you are interested in being a part of a relaxed, yet mature group then by all means please feel free to check out this group and apply today!

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[ viewing | March 17th, 2013 ]
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