Tue, Aug. 6th, 2013, 11:10 am
[info]desperationmods: mod post

Hey everyone!

Now that IJ is working correctly, I've switched us over to week 9. It's going to be the exact same thing as week 8 and we're going to finish up the gassings before moving on to a different terrain. I want to try to streamline this week a bit better, so here's the list of people who are gassable:




Since Emily is on hiatus and Anna is working on Damon's scene, I'm going to ask Lynn or Pixie to possibly volunteer. If you guys don't want to, Anna can volunteer if she feels she has time. If not, I will throw Terri in. So we have options.

Please answer this ASAP so we can move forward! These weeks have been super laggy and I don't want our characters to be stuck in space forever. xD Thank you!

Mon, Jul. 29th, 2013, 11:47 pm
[info]forceoflaw: Continued apologies T_T

Hey all,

So I'm trying to coordinate two separate out-of-state moves this week (my partner and I are both leaving for different universities on the same day) so um, my life is a bit crazy. I'm going to do my best to keep up with tags (I'm really sorry for holding people up T_T) but I probably won't get back into the swing of things until after I'm settled in my apartment this weekend. The good news is, my new roommates will be moving in a few days before I do, so my internet will be all set up :)

I'm sorry (again) about the delays; it's just been a bad month :( But August will be better, promise!

~ Emily (Lucy, Calvin)

Sun, Jul. 28th, 2013, 11:53 pm
[info]terrable: ATTN

Hey all, Emily and I have decided to extend week 8 another IRL week, meaning there will be no week change this weekend.

As such, I'm going to aim to gas Masaru very soon and put up that thread. Lynn and I plotted some stuff out between Masaru and Fiona, so if Lynn still wants to do something there I'm going to give her a slot in that plot.

BUT if anyone else wants to get in on Masaru's episode feel free to comment here to volunteer, throw out plot ideas, or whatever. I'm up for playing with a couple/few characters.

Some notes: I think I will be playing with the AXE in this one, so expect blood. But if you don't want your character to get hurt, we can also work around this/talk about wounds beforehand.

That is all!

Tue, Jul. 23rd, 2013, 03:43 pm

Hey, guys. This is Jack, and I'm Tertian. I thought I'd make a more formal out of character introduction for the newest sociopath to be added to the party. His bio is on his journal, and I'm game for plotting!

Mon, Jul. 22nd, 2013, 12:49 am
[info]forceoflaw: Plot post

Hey all,

So I THINK I'm finally caught up with tags. (If you're okay with dropping the one with Fiona and Lucy, Lynn? Or we can wrap it up in a few tags; it's totally up to you. I'm REALLY sorry about that T_T) If there's anything else I owe, please let me know!

I figured it would be good to put up some kind of plotting thing for the coming week. I know we have a lot of volunteers to be gassed, and I (totally belatedly -.-) filled out my forms for my characters, but I just wanted to formally say that I volunteer Calvin and Lucy as victims for whoever chooses. Multiple times, even, that's cool with me. (Btw Lynn, I think it'd be hilarious if Fiona got to chase... well, literally anyone, but particularly Lucy, because lol.)

Also, PLEASE let me know/if when your characters experience pain, so I can make Lucy feel it and maybe try to instinctively gravitate toward healing it? Obviously she won't be able to fix too much at first, but I think this week is a great opportunity for her to figure out her power.

Also also, I would LOVE to have Calvin fulfill the objective somehow, since his power is... all about protection, so let me know if anyone is interested in that.

Oh, and, Anna, do you have any potential victims picked out for Damon?

Sun, Jul. 21st, 2013, 12:45 am
[info]forceoflaw: Back, finally

Hey everyone,

I am SO sorry for the radio silence. I've been fighting some mild depression this week and it's kept me out of the writing mood. I'm going to catch up tonight and tomorrow and throw my characters into the new group thread. I look forward to playing with all of you in this awesome game week, and I'm really sorry (again) for disappearing!

~ Emily

Fri, Jul. 19th, 2013, 03:07 am
[info]desperationmods: gas update

Okay, I've gone ahead and chosen who should be gassed first:

Long version under the cut. )

The winner is ... Damon!

So, Anna, you can do that whenever you like this IC week. Feel free to set that up as an open thread or contact another player/players with whom you'd most like to scene.

After Damon is finished I'll put something up with Masaru, and then from there we can revisit this. If anyone wants to change their tentative yes into a definite yes OR no, comment here and I'll factor that into the next dice roll later on. :)

~ Laura (and Emily in spirit)

Tue, Jul. 16th, 2013, 07:32 pm
[info]forceoflaw: Temporary slowaitus :(

Hey guys!

I'm sorry I disappeared for a day or two -- we had some unexpected company come over that'll be here for a couple of days. I'm going to do my best to catch up with tagging/comments/plotting etc (I'm REALLY excited about the new terrain/gas plot), but I need a couple of days to catch up. Feel free to hit my email or either of my dropboxes for plotting, and I'll get back to you and catch up with everything ASAP!

~ Emily

Sat, Jul. 13th, 2013, 04:14 pm
[info]desperationmods: Campfire OOC

Hey all,

Since we're not putting up a group thread for the campfire (the week change will be up soon, we promise!), here's an OOC post to tell everyone:

1) Who showed up, when, and how long they stayed
2) What they did during the campfire

Remember that the campfire would've happened on Friday Night starting at around 7 PM.

As always, feel free to use this as a jumping off point for plotting!

~ Emily and Laura

Fri, Jul. 12th, 2013, 11:57 pm

Are we going to just say the firepit thing happened or do a thread for it? If we're saying it happened, I would like for Damon to have lit it. He feels the need to show off his ability now that he has a touch better control of it. ^_^;

Thu, Jul. 11th, 2013, 01:49 pm
[info]forceoflaw: Blaaah

Hey all!

Sorry about the tagging delays! It's been a crazy couple of days for me. I'll catch up this evening, promise!

Emily (Calvin, Lucy)

Update, Saturday at like, almost 2 AM: I PROMISE I WILL CATCH UP THIS WEEKEND T_T Everything has been unexpectedly insane, but it's finally starting to calm down a little.

Sun, Jul. 7th, 2013, 01:58 am
[info]desperationmods: Information/Plotting Post

Hey everyone,

Since all of the cabins and the Hub will be transparent by the IC end of the week, we think it's important for all players to know what their characters might be seeing throughout the week. We're going to use this OOC post to allow you guys to tell us:

1) what other characters will be able to see in your character's cabins (furniture arrangement, personal items, etc.)
2) any actions, habits, or anything your character will be doing in their transparent cabins this week (sleeping arrangements, shower routines, etc.)

- Each character should have a separate comment (written OOCly) with the above information.

- After you've tagged your own characters into the OOC discussion, you can feel free to comment to other characters' OOC tags and actively plot between your characters.

- After your initial comment with your character, feel free to come back and add stuff as you think of it, or as stuff develops in threads you think other characters would be able to see.

- Feel free to use this as a plotting thread to generate IC scenes, as well.

~ Emily and Laura

Fri, Jul. 5th, 2013, 12:18 am
[info]terrable: PLOTS

Hey all, I'm looking for some plots going forward. I want to play with everyone and I'm going to make it my mission to have my characters in a thread with every other character in the comm (not all at once, lol). Since this is such a small community and HOME is small as well, it'd feel more natural if my characters got to know some others better.

TLDR: I want to thread with all of you. :D

I'm going to offer this in a plot post because 1) it's organized, and 2) I have some ideas to lay out. I'm going to try to throw an idea at everyone, or at least throw out some general scenes that can be claimed if you want them. We don't have to do it all right now, either. Knowing we have stuff to look forward in the future is good too.

Plots under the cuts.

Masaru )
Terri )

So that's it! If you aren't feeling anything I've thrown out there, no worries. These are just suggestions. And if you have any of your own to throw at me, or want to tweak details, I'm 100% for that!

Wed, Jul. 3rd, 2013, 04:03 pm
[info]desperationmods: Friend button!

Hey guys,

If you haven't already, please run the friend button to add Jeno!

Tue, Jul. 2nd, 2013, 07:17 pm
[info]terrable: arggghhhh

We're having a HUGE storm right now, lightning struck the backyard, and now the modem is 100% dead. I've got access to the internet with my phone but it''s going to be super annoying to tag so I'm going to be slow until this gets fixed. :( Blah!!!

UPDATE: looks like I'll be able to pick up a new modem tomorrow so I should be back in action shortly. While I'm here, anyone want to do a week 7 thread? I'm up for anything. Masaru's cabin will be invisible come Monday so I'd like to do something there, just not sure what.

Tue, Jul. 2nd, 2013, 12:47 pm
[info]ferrano: Greetings all!

Hello and thanks for having me in your game! I bring to you Jeno Ferrari (born Ferrano) who is a very well known rock star who's had some drama in his life, the most recent was getting in debt to a rival mob family. He chose to come into the ACU program to get his debt squared and not have to borrow money from his family and face that disgrace. You've likely heard of his band, think Bon Jovi famous. He sings, plays guitar and is a handsome Italian man. Single too. All of this and more can be found in his bio, in his journal, and he's ready to play! Look for a first entry later, I can't wait to get playing. He won't be your daily dose of sunshine, I can promise you that.

AIM: JenoFerrano

Sun, Jun. 30th, 2013, 10:02 pm
[info]finder: Placeholder fillled

FYI and all that. =D

Wed, Jun. 19th, 2013, 03:33 pm

Hey everyone, sorry I dropped off the face of the internet for a couple days. T_T I've been having frustrating internet connectivity issues that my #@$!%ing (AND ETC) internet provider is seemingly incapable of solving. And then yesterday one of my ferrets passed away, so I've been decidedly uninterested in RP.

I'm going to do my best to get back into things going forward despite the annoying internet problems. Sorry to all those who have gone a couple/few days without a tag from my characters.


Sat, Jun. 15th, 2013, 08:56 pm
[info]desperationmods: Group Sleepover Plotting

Hey all,

The handlers have requested all characters spend the night in the Hub (link here), so we're going to cover the group sleepover in this OOC post to track what everyone:
1) brought to the Hub from their cabins, and
2) what they did that night.

- Each character should have a separate comment (written OOCly) with the above information. Optionally, you can list any plots you'd like to have happen during the sleepover, or any characters you'd like your own to interact with.

- After you've tagged your own characters into the OOC discussion, you can feel free to comment to other characters' OOC tags and actively plot between your characters. (For example, if Terri's OOC says she was meditating in a corner between 2-3AM, you can comment and say your character would have liked to join in, and the plotting can carry on from there.)

- Every character will have a sleeping bag and a small travel pillow waiting for him or her in the dropbox. There will be 10 in all.

- If both players agree, feel free to write IC scenes of the sleepover. Make sure you post them after the week change if the thread takes place after 12 midnight, as that will be counted as week 6.

- The week change will be happening sometime tomorrow, so finish up all week 5 threads tonight!

~ Emily and Laura

Fri, Jun. 14th, 2013, 11:05 pm

This placeholder of Jaime and Tori on Monday has been filled. Just FYI.

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