Monday, March 9th, 2009

Gale/Randy SL please!

I'm looking for a Gale Harold/Randy Harrison sl. I prefer to play Randy but don't mind playing Gale. More information about what I like is in the journal. Also, I'm getting desperate here - I can't seem to find someone who wants to have a long term line with me! I'm willing to provide examples (which are in this journal), but if you want some I expect to get examples back. IM me at Arnona Lotorie or leave a comment in my journal (not on this post) if you're interested!

I know there's someone out there who is interested in this line so please PLEASE contact me if this line seems interesting to you at all!
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Sunday, August 10th, 2008

I really want something very loosely based off of Hunter from QAF. We don't even need to use his character or name- but I want something where there is a young boy picked up off the streets and taken into care by a couple, he was a prostitute/hustler, he starts up school again and meets someone he really likes but is super innocent and opposite of him. They hit it off, but he's afraid to tell the other person about his life and where he "moved" or "came" from. I'd prefer slash but I don't really care about PBs, so long as they fit the high school age range.
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