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[01 Dec 2011|12:55am]
Would anyone be interested in a group psl with the cast of the vampire diaries? Or one with the vampire diaries cast and the glee cast?
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[01 Dec 2011|08:31am]
This is very atypical of me and possibly the cheesiest thing ever, but I've been binging on romcoms to get me through finals. But I'm feeling a hankering to get a Jude Law-pb'd character into my life for the holiday season (Christmas wishes starting early?) If you'd be interested in playing against a vaguely roguish, charming British fuckwit who will inevitably find his heart by Christmas Eve, hit me up.
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[01 Dec 2011|01:17pm]
[info]obsessions we desperately need Klaus! Also, Alaric, Bonnie, Matt, Anna, and anyone else.
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[01 Dec 2011|04:27pm]
PSL for strictly filmverse Loki? Crack, serious, crossover, before/au/after the Thor film, slash or het, I'd be willing to try nearly anything, save for him/any of the Avengers (aside from Thor).
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[01 Dec 2011|05:52pm]
check the journal - i'm looking for some uncoventional lines, but im also down for anything esle as well.
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[01 Dec 2011|08:56pm]
would anyone be interested in developing a line with me that could be potentially romantic? we'll see what happens. basically, we have two characters and we'll figure out the ages, place, etc. later, but these two people run into each other regularly or semi-regularly and develop some sort of relationship whether it just be friends initially. we'll interact whenever we have time (i'm on at various times. some weeks mostly days and some nights, some weeks mostly nights, and mixed in between.) and we'll post some narratives, e-mails, voice mails, whatever in journals just to develop our characters as we go - maybe every couple weeks or whenever you want. aim or threading would be fine. i'm very open with lines in terms of PBs, drama, darkness, leave it to beaver, i'm up for whatever.
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[01 Dec 2011|10:23pm]
i've been itching to play remus again after not having a chance to for a while, and was wondering if anyone would be interested in a line against him. i'm pretty much open to any kind of pairing that you can throw at me, and i'm not set on playing him with this pb in a marauders era line. i'd even be up for something completely non-romantic, if that's what you'd prefer.
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[01 Dec 2011|11:53pm]
Looking for a long term line with a Nina Dobrev. I'd like it to be well thought out and have some substance to it. I'd either like to start their relationship from the beginning or pick up where they are now. I want it to be primarily thread based but here and there I might be able to get on aim. Let me know if you want to discuss.
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