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[30 Nov 2011|02:28am]
femme or het line for the eve... thread or aim, you're choice!

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[30 Nov 2011|08:11am]
Looking for a Tyler Glenn for a het line!

Any interest then please comment here.

[Sorry for the cross post]
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[30 Nov 2011|10:32am]
Perhaps a bit of a long shot, but I'd love to do something based off either the movie Shame or A Dangerous Method (I love Michael Fassbender, so sue me!). It doesn't have to follow the movies exactly, just something rough like a psychiatrist sleeping with his patient or a man who is a sex addict that sleeps with a bevy of women...basically I have nothing really set in mind, just that I want something based off either movie (or perhaps combined some how, I don't know!)

I'm interested in other lines as well so feel free to check out my journal and suggest something (I have no line ideas up just yet)
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[30 Nov 2011|12:50pm]
[info]obsessions klaus is especially needed! also, bonnie, alaric, matt, anna.. etc.
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[30 Nov 2011|05:33pm]
Would anyone be interested in a het pb line with Kid Cudi, Drake or Trey Songz? I don't have specific storylines I'm looking to fill but I would love to brainstorm with someone who is genuinely interested in developing/building a potentially long lasting line.
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[30 Nov 2011|07:33pm]
Looking for a Finn, Mike, Tina, Mercedes and Rory for an extremely active Glee group psl. Also wanted: Shelby, Will Schuester, Emma Pillsbury, Dave Karofsky, Lauren Zizes, Jesse St. James, and Sugar Motta.

More information click here or comment for more details.
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[30 Nov 2011|09:10pm]
check the journal - looking for something long term and fun. unconventional and everything.
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[30 Nov 2011|11:16pm]
Can I get an Arthur for my Merlin, please?
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[30 Nov 2011|11:29pm]
Does anyone play Andrew Garfield? I have a different line I'd like to run by you, just comment if interested.
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A few. [30 Nov 2011|11:33pm]
1. The gist: A couple has been married for a few years, young and as they get older (possibly late twenties) the husband falls out of love with his wife, but they don't get separated/divorced right away because the young wife is determined to save the marriage because she still loves him.

The Twist: I would like to have the wife meet another man unexpectedly when she's trying to make her husband fall in love with her again. Of course, I'd like the line to be interactive with both the husband and the man she meets eventually dwindling down to just a line between the girl and the new man she meets.

2. The Gist: A girl is headed to the biggest company in New York to the most well-known, hard-hitting cut throat, but undeniably sexy CEO to convince him he's exactly what he wants and needs. As his personal assistant, of course. How does a twenty-two year old woman go on to thinking that she can waltz into a high end firm and get the CEO to fire his current personal assistant to hire her ... and succeed? She is headstrong, stubborn, a go-getting hard worker who at first bashes heads with her new boss but then they find out they can get along.

The Twist: Initially, she doesn't have a sorrid desire to seduce her boss though she finds herself doing it without noticing it at first. After she starts to catch on, she makes it into a game almost to stall her admittance that she actually has feelings for him. We can talk more about this, should you be interested.

3. The Gist: If anyone has read or knows of the Sleeping Beauty trilogy that Anne Rice wrote as A.N. Roquelaure, I think that would be an interesting line. At first the basis will be the same as the first book The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty, where the prince goes to her and claims her as his own, not with a kiss but with sexual initiation. It explores the untold story of the Prince's prize for awaking Beauty and restoring her parent's kingdom, which is Beauty unfaltering enslavement to him.

The Twist: I would like my girl to turn out to be the opposite of how Beauty succumbs to him. At first it seems like she will, but one day she lashes out on him, striking him across the face. Surprised she had even done it, she started to apologise and when she thought he would be furious, he isn't. But instead he is intrigued that she had the courage to stand up to him. Behind closed doors, he starts to treat her differently, and not like a slave but more like a forbidden lover, knowing them being truly intimate and equal how it should be seeing as she is a princess and he is a prince, was highly frowned upon in his kingdom.

PM or comment here, should you have questions or you are interested.
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