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[24 Nov 2011|02:43am]
Anyone want an OC line against a Ryan Gosling PB? I've wanted to use his face for a while now, but I have no set idea whatsoever. Info in the journal! More than happy to play dark lines (I really am not squeamish about my darkness), don't mind whether het/slash, doesn't even have to be romantic notions involved.

Really just looking for anything! Bring your ideas!
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pretty little liars group psl [24 Nov 2011|03:46am]
[info]prettyliars characters needed: hanna marin, emily fields, jenna cavanaugh, toby cavanaugh, mike montgomery, ezra fitz, lucas gottesman, mona vanderwaal, caleb rivers, melissa hastings, kate randall, noel kahn, meredith sorenson, sean ackard, wren kim, alex santiago, maya st. germain, ben coogan, paige mccullers, samara cook, jason dilaurentis, garrett reynolds
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[24 Nov 2011|08:28am]
Probably a long shot in the dark but does anyone still pb/celeb Eminem? I have been trying to fill a line in a long while. This would be a private line!

Other than that I would love to write a line with one of the partners being deaf or blind.
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[24 Nov 2011|10:37pm]
Currently seeking one or two more people for a gpsl based around a group who decides to break a serial killer out of a mental institution. We'd particularly like to have the "inside man" that helps them get in and out of the facility where the killer is being kept. Interest should be directed towards this post. It includes a summary of what has been discussed and a bit about each character involved so far.
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[ viewing | November 24th, 2011 ]
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