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[23 Nov 2011|01:07am]
looking for a few lines. check the journal!
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[23 Nov 2011|03:43am]
Sooo, long-shot but I'm willing to miss a few times to hit eventually.

Anyone up for a line against a deaf-mute man who is about to/has made the stupidest decision of his life and is about to/is seeking revenge? He is a canon character but I would just as quickly put him in a line with an OC or another canon character. Crossovers for the win! He has blue hair in my icons and I am happy to explain him further. If not, anyone up for a line against a Shin Ha-kyun PB? Dying to play him.

I would love a line involving two people either actively trying to antagonize/demolish one another or a line where two people must band together for survival because of some unfortunate circumstances. They could also antagonize one another in this line as well but of course, more selectively.

I can also offer up a Yu Ji-tae PB. I may have a few ideas for him but I'm not 100% sure. I can also offer up a Song Kang-ho PB but this would have to be a special line and I would prefer not to put him in an older/younger line, at least with that aspect as the focus. I can offer him up for a vampire line but again, it should be something special. Also can offer him up for murder mystery lines, etc. Anything awesome, basically.

I write over threads or AIM and prefer a mix of plot, violence, dark humor and smut. This journal was inspired by New-Wave South Korean movies and I would love to keep that feel. All PBs are labeled in my icons. Slash or het. In het lines, I do not enjoy strict gender roles. Comments are screened here and in my post for your privacy, so don't be shy!
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Wanted members for a Glee Group! [23 Nov 2011|04:34am]
Looking for someone to play Brittany in a small Glee group psl! I play Santana and would love to have Brit around wither just as friends, or more. Other characters are more then welcome as well!

More info here!
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[23 Nov 2011|01:49pm]
check the journal!
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[23 Nov 2011|04:49pm]
I'd really like to do something based in some fairy story kind of setting, I'd give my eyeteeth for a mermaid and a sailor. But it's all negotiable. Otherwise, I'm just kind of bored - if anything looks remotely interesting, just yell.
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[23 Nov 2011|06:48pm]
wondered if anyone who was ever a member of ~hillies wanted to maybe scene with kip (thread or aim). i'm itching to write him but cannot do a community so i would be interested in reconnecting with anyone who might like to write a few scenes! comments screened!
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[ viewing | November 23rd, 2011 ]
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