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[11 Nov 2011|01:58pm]
Hey there... interested in South Korean movies? Love Park Chan-wook films (among others)? Just like the face(s) in my icons and dark storylines? Check my journal and we can work something out. Threading or AIM. Very slash-friendly but will do het in some circumstances. All comments are screened.

I'm sort of looking to play Shin Ha-kyun (or Ryu from Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, if we're looking at fandom). I will play an OC or fandom character against an OC. I could also MAYBE be convinced to pick up an Oh Dae-su (Oldboy) or a Song Kang-ho PB but these would require further discussion.

Comment here or to my journal if interested! All comments are screened.
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[11 Nov 2011|02:29pm]
People of [info]pslads, please do not fail me: I've had a lot of issues finding a solid storyline that will last more than 24 hours of planning and a handful of responses and I really need a storyline to help my mind relax after long days of work and school.

Idea #1: I'd really like to play a whirlwind romance with a slight twist. The male character is a 35-40+ year old king who lost his wife a year ago. The female character is a 20-something commoner. They meet, are totally enchanted with each other and decide to elope much to the irritation of the Church. I want to explore the romance before the marriage and then what it is like once they realize what they've done. He's always been royalty and has an idea of how everything should be; she's young, charming, smart, and independent, and not wanting to disappoint her King or her husband. The setting is present day America-esque. I want to play the girl. I only IJ thread with multiple paragraphs, prefer not to fade-to-black.

I also wouldn't mind a nice femme line with the above idea or something else. If we're playing the above situation, I'd like to play the Queen. If not, I'm open to a lot different ideas as long as my partner moves beyond the "shy girl who has no idea and needs to be pursued" dynamic I see a lot.

That said, I could also play the King in a male/male line with the same guideline.

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[11 Nov 2011|06:12pm]
Anyone in my icons wanted for a PSL?
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[11 Nov 2011|08:09pm]
Celeb smut? Check the journal.
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[11 Nov 2011|08:14pm]
i'd love to find a ryan gosling to play against for a cute long term psl. i have a few ideas, but i'd love to brainstorm.
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[11 Nov 2011|08:19pm]

This may be a longshot, but I'm interested in a literate, steamy one-shot or short-term RP via E-mail or IM with someone willing to RP as Katara, Suki, Ty Lee or Mai from Avatar the Last Airbender opposite an OC of mine. Please check my Journal for a writing sample and various RP likes/dislikes/dealbreakers. Comments screened.

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[11 Nov 2011|10:58pm]
anyone up for a long term psl? conventional or unconventional
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[11 Nov 2011|11:31pm]
jesse eisenberg/andrew garfield psls? i'd like to play jesse. celeb or pb is fiiiine
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