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[11 Oct 2011|05:59am]
Move over, Susan Lucci; A is half your age and already three statuettes ahead of you. As the resident heart throb on the hit telenovela Añoranza, A is almost as familiar to the people of his country as their biggest football star. With ten years of industry success (and countless epic characters and storylines) under his belt, he's convinced that he's seen and done it all… at least until the producers reveal that they want his character to take a bisexual turn. No sweat, he figures; it's not like he's never hooked up with a guy at a party before and lord knows he's not shy about sex.

Enter B, a young husband and father forced to take any work he can get after his employer goes bankrupt. The last few months have been an endless series of painting, carpentry, and janitorial work, so when a childhood friend offers to hook him up with a lucrative six-week gig on a hit TV show, he can't say no. As A's presumptive passing love interest, the job involves more pining looks than complicated dialogue, but the chemistry between them is so intense -- and B's acting is so surprisingly good -- that his stint is extended and his role expanded. Between the generous pay and steady hours, it should be a dream come true. There's just one problem: he's completely and inexplicably infatuated with A. Torn between his fixation with his co-star and his undying devotion to his wife and child, B soon finds himself in moral limbo with no easy solution in sight.


[11 Oct 2011|12:43pm]
Fancying a line about a girl from present day who is able to magically trade places with Elizabeth Bennet from Pride & Prejudice, becoming stuck in the story herself as Lizzie's friend (who none of the family has heard of before yesterday). I would adore to play the girl, if possible!
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[11 Oct 2011|05:21pm]
Seriously...who do I have to sleep with bribe to get a PSL with a decent Lacey Schwimmer? Bueller?
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[11 Oct 2011|07:27pm]
i would love a supernatural based story line with a dean winchester/jensen ackles for my dianna agron. aim/thread friendly, and super active.
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[11 Oct 2011|07:44pm]
oes anyone or would anyone be willing to play izzy hilton, matt sanders, jamia iero, or lynz way?
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[ viewing | October 11th, 2011 ]
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