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[10 Oct 2011|05:03am]
PSL for the eve? Het or Femme only.

Comment here, we'll discuss through a custom.
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[10 Oct 2011|06:09am]
would anyone be up for writing a historical slash line set in the times of alexander? in the sl alexander would have a harem, and unbeknownst to him one of the eunuchs would get into a sexual relationship with one of his soldiers behind closed doors. i would be playing the eunuch. i'm looking for someone to play the soldier and i'm open to most faces. the line would be fairly smut heavy, but i don't want it entirely centered around that. aim preferred, but i'm willing to thread this.
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[10 Oct 2011|11:31am]
could i get a psl for my glinda from the wicked fandom? book or musical, but i would like it to be threading oriented!
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[10 Oct 2011|12:01pm]
Working on her today and probably over the next few days. Key note about her: she is a sociopath. Who wants her for anything?
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[10 Oct 2011|04:21pm]

Searching for a Batman to write against. I'm totally open to writing Catwoman against other characters (DC-related or not), even OCs that are well constructed. Longterm, threading preferred. I'm not looking for any femslash 'lines right now, though. Sorry! If you're interested, PM me. :)

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[10 Oct 2011|07:40pm]
I am currently in need of some good storylines. Ideas can be found in my journal.
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[10 Oct 2011|08:22pm]
Could I get either a Henry Cavill, Sam Worthington, Chris Pine, Chris Hemsworth, or Joe Manganiello for a PSL against either a Naya Rivera or Emanuela de Paula?
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