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Lord of the Rings [14 Jun 2011|01:00am]
Looking for someone who’s up for some Lord of the Rings rp. Specifically looking for someone to play Thranduil or another elf (can be OC) with either a human or vampire OC. The OC I play can be good or evil, depending on how the discussion on plot goes so I’m open to both. No slash but romance, drama, fighting okay.

Check my journal on a full list of things I’m interested in.
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[14 Jun 2011|01:08am]
would anyone be up for a line based off of the silas/deaf megan situation from weeds? where boy actively tried to get girl pregnant but instead of her getting an abortion she has the child. it would be up to you whether or not they stayed together and she never went to college. i'm up for talking out details, it can be threading or through aim and if you want we could eventually take it to a community. i'm open to playing either role the boy or the girl.
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Trying this again! [14 Jun 2011|02:52am]
Hopping on the Game of Thrones bandwagon, I'm interested exploring the relationship between Daenerys and Khal Drogo. I'm only just finishing the first book, so I'd prefer to set it in the TV!verse, while incorporating the mythos/history of the books that you can easily learn about. Basically, what I'd like to do is start from the beginning of their relationship and work our way forward within the framework of the show. We only see snippets of their interaction and there's a lot more to elaborate on. I'd love to explore the development of their relationship in-depth. Obviously, this would involve graphic sex scenes, since that's most of their interaction at first, so strict FTBers need not apply. I'm not looking for pointless smut, however – I want to deal with the evolution of their marriage, especially with respect to Daenerys's "training" with her handmaiden, the dramatic culture shock/contrast, and their efforts to overcome the communication barrier and learn one another's languages. Ideally, we'd be starting with the events of the first episode and taking our time, so there's no need for you to have watched through episode 5 right now.

I'm willing to play either character (or, ideally, each of them in separate lines), but please, please be able to write strong, 3D female characters if you want to write Daenerys. Come with your own ideas and a willingness to collaborate! "Sure, whatever you want" gets lines nowhere. Threading only and I'd prefer to exchange (non-GoT) scene examples beforehand. Comment if you're interested!
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[14 Jun 2011|05:55am]
I'm on a CSI marathon right now and I'd like a line that involves a crime and the investigation of it. What parts our characters play is up to you. Perhaps something involving a CSI and a cop/detective. Key note, I love playing sociopaths so any way I can incorporate that into the line would be dandy. Cover-ups are fun, as well as cold cases and 'moles'. Cat-and-mouse = favorite. I'm thinking someone like Chris Pine, Heath Ledger or Matt Damon but I'm open to suggestions.
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[14 Jun 2011|05:35pm]
an erik or raoul for a poto/love never dies line?
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[14 Jun 2011|11:44pm]
check the journal
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