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Bodice ripping action, anyone? [13 Jun 2011|01:32am]
Tudors-esque King and his Mistress kind of line?
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[13 Jun 2011|01:09pm]
Check the journal, I'm always up to brainstorming something awesome. Right now I'd love something historical right now, particularly based off of the life of Ivan the VI - I have kind of a neat idea for this concept and am interested in seeing if anyone was keen on giving it a whirl. I'd also really like to find someone to write something Harry Potter related with, considering the last movie is nearly upon us, and that's pretty damn cool to say the least!
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[[info]unitedwestand] [13 Jun 2011|05:04pm]
Seeking new, invested players for a thread-based, post-apocalyptic survival game. We love realism and character development above all things. This is a story about real people in extreme situations. Check out [info]unitedwestand for premise, faq, and more information. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact the mods!
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[13 Jun 2011|09:28pm]
Anyone around that is interested in a slash line of some kind based on The Borgias. I would also, as usual, give my right arm for someone that would play a Vampire Chronicles (Anne Rice) line out with me playing Nicki.

Other than that Greek gods/Greek myth, or something based off a Shakespeare play, or a Disney movie either with minor characters or different time periods etc.

Email. Aim. Gdocs. Possible to thread harder for me in PSLs with remembering to change journals!
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