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[26 May 2011|04:03pm]
blame it on too many repeats of zombieland, but anyone want a line revolving around two people trying to make it through a zombie infested world? i'd love to try karen gillan against andrew garfield for it, but i'd honestly be open to any faces.
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[26 May 2011|06:10pm]
I need a new line to help keep me entertained! I have a few generic ideas for a typical pb storyline (as in office romance, high school sweethearts who go seperate ways for college but end up meeting up again by chance) and there's still a few fandom lines I'd like to have. Anything with Twilight, Sookie & Eric from True Blood, or a House line.
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[[info]unitedwestand] [26 May 2011|06:33pm]
Seeking new, invested players for a thread-based, post-apocalyptic survival game. We love realism and character development above all things. This is a story about real people in extreme situations. Check out [info]unitedwestand for premise, faq, and more information. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact the mods!
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ignore the icon [26 May 2011|08:15pm]
I just saw the first episode of Game of Thrones and I would love to do a line based on Cersei/Jamie if anyone would be interested! Preferably not canon; basically an incestuous relationship between twins who are plotting to take over the throne. I'd prefer to play the female and would love to use Lena and Nikolaj.
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[ viewing | May 26th, 2011 ]
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