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[25 May 2011|12:03am]
I am seriously looking for a Mercedes player that would be willing to have a PSL with my Sammy. AIM or Journal would be awesome.
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[25 May 2011|01:55am]
Could I please get an Alex SkarsgÄrd for a psl?
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[25 May 2011|09:54am]
[info]officedmod Lines for this girl who works in the editing department and hates it!
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[25 May 2011|10:42am]
I'd love to play Artie from Glee against anyone else from Glee or an original character. Canon is good, but AU would be great!
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[25 May 2011|05:47pm]
I would love a line between a deployed soldier and a civilian back in the states. The line would start with them being penpals and could follow into him coming home from his deployment. It doesn't have to be romantic, but if it ends up that way, that's cool too. I'd prefer to play the female penpal in the states.
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[25 May 2011|06:20pm]
Check the journal for femme/het smut ideas.
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[25 May 2011|10:37pm]
Long shot BUT after tonight...can I PLEASE get a scotty for my lauren?
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[ viewing | May 25th, 2011 ]
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