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[20 May 2011|12:09am]
Right now I am looking for a few storylines. I have a specific idea for an Alice & Jacob line from the Twilight fandom, and another for a typical Bella & Jacob line. If that isn't working for you I'm apparently still looking for a Thirteen and Chase line from House. Comment if any of this tickles your fancy!
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Alice in Wonderland group PSL? X-posted [20 May 2011|11:56am]
[ mood | awake ]

Upon being cornered nudged by a friend, I've started a bookverse Alice in Wonderland group PSL that includes Through the Looking-Glass >canon, and I'm advertising to see if there's anyone outside of our little group who'd be very interested in it.

About the GPSL )
The characters that are taken, are: Alice Kingsleigh, the March Hare, The Gryphon, the Cheshire Cat, and the White Queen. [info]the_best_butter , [info]chimerical_cat , and [info]fine_feathers as far as WIP character journals go.

We need a Mad Hatter to join our little group, and we're very much open to any and all other characters who remain available!

And the rest! )

If interested, please leave a comment on this post, or at this CDJ at my dropbox!

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[20 May 2011|03:17pm]
i just really wanna write
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[20 May 2011|05:54pm]
Could I get Aidan Turner, François Arnaud, James McAvoy, or Ben Barnes for a PSL by any hopeful chance?
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Country music psls anyone? [20 May 2011|07:17pm]
Blake Shelton/Miranda Lambert
Brad Paisley/Kimberly Williams-Paisley
Whitney Duncan/?

*I like lines with a bit of everything in them. Mature writers only. Over 18 and I don't fade to black, if that makes you uncomfortable don't reply. Also please don't assume that I'll play the male role. Sometimes I will, sometimes I won't. Don't see a pair you like? Suggest!
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[20 May 2011|08:54pm]
check the journal. celeb and fandom only.
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[20 May 2011|09:35pm]
Looking for some PSLs. Check the journal and see if any of it interests you. If not, we can definitely brainstorm!
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[20 May 2011|09:38pm]
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[20 May 2011|11:41pm]
any PSLgroups going on?
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