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X-Posted [28 Jan 2011|03:10am]
Added a few lines to my journal. I'm really dying to find someone for Line 6 or 7... Check them out here.
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Looking for a Harry Potter PSL! [28 Jan 2011|06:56pm]
There's so many different pairings I'd love to try right now, so instead of listing them all here, I'm going to direct you to the post in my journal. All of the information on the characters I play, pairings I like, PBs I use, and storylines I'd like to try can be found in this entry at my journal. (There's many that aren't listed in that entry that I would love to try playing, so if you have an idea for a pairing that isn't listed, feel free to comment about it!) And all of the information on me a player and my preferences can be found here. :)
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[28 Jan 2011|07:42pm]
Looking to thread a slash line involving rivalry between gangs in 1970's NYC. Setting it in The Warriors universe would be fantastic, but not necessary.

I'd especially like for our characters to be in rival gangs and see what dynamic develops from that. Anything goes, from forbidden love to lust peppered with brawling and mind games. I'm up for brainstorming an ongoing plot for them to play through with plenty of situations along the way.

Any PBs and ages are fine with me, though I'd really like to play this face if possible. Please PM or comment if interested!
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[28 Jan 2011|10:00pm]
Looking for a Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles PSL.
Specifically I need a Jensen for my Jared.
AU or Non-AU doesn't matter to me.
IM is preferred, those details are on the journal.

Smut, fluff, angst, drama...all of it is welcome and encouraged.
Thank you.
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[28 Jan 2011|11:02pm]
Would anyone like to be the Karen Gillan to my Arthur Darvill? Pb or celeb, or even Doctor Who verse, I just love this pairing and I think the one I had just died. This line would incorporate scenes, and depending on the situation, comment spams, etc.
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