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[27 Jan 2011|12:55am]
Hit me up with plot ideas or check my journal. You and I should brainstorm something together. Yes, you.
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[27 Jan 2011|01:04am]
can I get a Glee person for my Kris? Don't care who. AIM and thread friendly. Would love Dianna, Naya, Heather or Mark.
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[27 Jan 2011|01:17am]
Could I get something femme for any of the ladies in my journal? I'd be willing to take the line to a community too, if they click.
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[27 Jan 2011|05:29am]
I would like a psl for Selena Gomez. Maybe with an Ian Somerhalder. Any takers?
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[27 Jan 2011|03:07pm]
would anyone like to work out a psl?
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[27 Jan 2011|06:54pm]
Milk and cookies, my treat, to anyone who can fill the following lines:

a) A storyline heavily based off the film Stay Alive. A video game that kills you—literally—if you die in the game.

b) A student (hoping to become a journalist one day) who suspects her college professor is a vampire. Eventually, she find out his secret and begs him to turn her. He refuses, but she's persistent. When he realizes she isn't going to back off, he makes her an offer: she has to interview him about his life, what his been through, what he'd been forced to do in order to survive, and if she can still stomach the thought of vampirism, and the price it comes with, he'll turn her. (I'd prefer to play the student).

c) A line based off of the film The Invisible. A young boy is murdered, and the girl responsible for his death is the only one who can hear him. (I'd prefer to play the boy).
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