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[05 Jan 2011|12:21am]
I'm looking for another version of this psl, so please check it out.
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[05 Jan 2011|11:49am]
The chances on this are slim, I know (not including the cliche of it all), but is there any players out there seeking/willing to play Iwan Rheon against my Antonia Thomas? I have a couple of ideas in mind - nothing concrete, just a few loose concepts to play with.
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[05 Jan 2011|02:02pm]
Hey guys! Most of my PSLs have died on me, and I'm looking for some new ones! I'm looking for a Doctor (fobwatched or no) to play against Rose Tyler, Amy Pond, Nyssa of Traken, or Ace. I'm also totally up for human!AUs, and I've got some plot ideas, depending on the Doctor I get (Any are alright, although I'm not much for Four or Six.)
- Whatever companion specifically working to help fight the silence.
- Amy->River Song
- Young River Song (PB'd by Imogen Poots, mostly because of this.
- Rose ending up back in the TARDIS when she's 25.
- Rose when she's 19 ending up in Eleven's TARDIS
- Ace being a Time Lord (canon! ... sort of.) and walking wounded from the Time War
- Nyssa and any of them, really, although I ♥ her and Five.

I also play / have: Kaylee Frye that I'd love to see against a good Simon Tam or Mal Reynolds
Jubilee to play against Gambit or Wolverine
And the rest of mine are over here: [info]madeupofstars

Just drop me a comment! \o/ I have tons of plot, just need someone to implement it with.

A tiny bit about me: 26. Mostly plays at night, although I tag a couple of times during the day. Journal or email threading only, written prose only, highish grammatical standards (Capitalize, please!). Plot via AIM, generally chatty about plot or lines or what I had for lunch, if you're looking for that sort of thing via AIM. Likes drama and dark things (because that's the only way you can see the light!). In general, looking for het, although I'm not against slash. Super flexible. :D
X-Posted to [info]fandom_psls
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[05 Jan 2011|09:54pm]
Does anyone play Andrew Lee Potts, Karl Urban, or Jason Behr?

Will play het or slash against any of them in a psl.
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[05 Jan 2011|10:06pm]
I'm sort of wanting to revive this guy again. He's a music feen and cares about his band more often than his wife and baby-to-be. We can even throw in another kid as well..maybe about 3 or 4 years old. There will be lots of drama, maybe some substance abuse, and of course some fluff as well.
I'd also like to revive my struggling alcoholic mother line... kids, husband, friends, the works.
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[05 Jan 2011|10:27pm]
Please check the journal! I'd really love to get a few PSLs going.
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[05 Jan 2011|11:59pm]
check the journal! i'm still looking for a hp line, and maybe a faux celeb line.
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