Jun. 11th, 2018



[No Subject]

So my boy here is dealing with the loss of his friend, transfer of another and will soon be dealing with the loss of a second friend. I was sitting there trying to figure out how Cassidy would cope and then the muse smacked me upside the head and called me an idiot.

Cassidy is going to start actively pursuing casual sex (more than normal). I'm looking for possible hookups. One time only, multiple. If he's not staying in an Outsiders room he's probably in someone elses (at least for part of the night).

I'm up for handwaving or sceneing basic interactions/whatever.

If anything he's gonna be hooking up with NPCs, but if there are some PC's that wanna jump into the fray then I'm all for that connection and possible drama or whatever down the line.

Jun. 10th, 2018



[No Subject]

Hello again everyone! I won't make any promises about character limits or whatever-the-heck because that just doesn't seem to be a wise thing to do. Anyway! This is Jeff!

• aka Verity (formally known as the Mad Hatter in the Wonderland crew)
• Powers include Lie Detection, Enhanced Memory, Mental Manipulation and Bitterness because as a kid he wanted to be a Super and live out a similar power fantasy
• Will chat your ear off or will have earbuds in and DO NOT DISTURB, there is no in-between
• Tea fanatic
• Do not trust him
• Was briefly in the Maine facility before his transfer
• V. smart but overburdened by knowledge (quite literally) and things he can't forget or repress. Headaches are common, very woe.

I think that's it! He's up for all the plots. And, as per usual, the rest of my bananas roster is available for stuff too! ♥

Jun. 9th, 2018



[No Subject]

Hey all

In the interest of not spamming the boards I wanted to say if my characters have any connections to yours then it is totally safe to assume that they would have checked in on your characters and made sure that they're okay

If anybody wants to talk particulars then just hit me up!


Jun. 6th, 2018



[No Subject]

green here w/ number 2!

This is Valentine. He was working in a secret hospital for Supers with his boss Glory but they treated an Agent by accident and got shut down and captured. :( :( :( :( :(

He's a total bard build, without the buffs. He's a flip-wizard, a sonic healer, got a literally hypnotic voice and can act as his own loop pedal. He dropped out of Juilliard in order to pursue not getting captured by the government and bummed around for a little while busking and working a low paying grocery store job. Probably had a regularly updated soundcloud. He likes chill jams, basketball, other types of jams, music, making music, and people agreeing with him that he's the best person ever. Also, music.

He's a friendly dude who thinks of himself as the hottest dude in the room, but he also wears socks and sandals so you know, his judgement is questionable. Here's some more info on him. He is going to try and start a band.

Jun. 2nd, 2018



[No Subject]


Sam here bringing in another character (because I need another one like I need a hole in the head). I'm introducing Mr. Dean Ramsey aka Concussion. Full bio HERE


  • His parents were part of an evo worshipping cult somewhere in the East Coast he will not talk about this -- but he spent a lot of his childhood travelling around with him until his powers popped up.
  • His abilities are Ambient Energy Conversion, Energy absorption, Plasma Emanation, and Microwave manipulation. They are always shut off because he ~radiates~ microwave emissions that are cancer causing.
  • Mr. Ramsey was part of the US Marines before he started to catch on why people started dying around him and went AWOL. He didn't stay for too long in one place and basically became vagrant (we are legit talking he used to hop trains and travel across the US).
  • Robbed banks with Gage and Alika once upon a time along with many other odd things he used to do (if you want to say your character randomly ran into him we can totally work that out).
  • Got caught housing a couple of young evos when he was living in some backwaters town in Mississippi, shit went down, he got massively hurt and he blew up half the town. Hence why he was caught.
  • He was part of Underworld for the last four years before getting transferred here. Where he is a part of Scott Deacon's team. He'll be as friendly as he needs to be but because of his history he doesn't really like making friends. It always tends to worry him when he gets too close to people...obviously.


  • [info]sevenless


    [No Subject]

    Well hello again, party people! Now that my life has calmed down marginally again I decided to bring Marigold back! To save everyone some time, here's some sweet, sweet c/p from her first time around:

    Oh look, some facts! )

    Now, for everyone that's familiar with Marigold the big question will be bitch, the fuck you been? The answer to that is back when SEA was looming she was put on loan to the FBI for an undercover mission on the promise she'd be first in line to be released when the legislation passed. When it didn't they patted her on the head, thanked her for her service, and shipped her back to Limbo. She's still pissed about that, but she's trying to be subtle about it.

    While I'm catching up on everything that has gone down and all the new faces I'd love to get some lines going! It looks like she's on Lucas's team this time around.

    Jun. 1st, 2018



    [No Subject]

    Hey guys. Squid here with an update! Due to Gideon leaving, there was finally a telepathy slot for filling a wanted line!

    ᴄʀʏsᴛᴀʟ ᴊᴀᴍᴇsᴏɴ

      ► codename diamond heart
      ► Her powers are organic diamond form, compartmental diamond transformation and, you guessed it, telepathy.
      ► Crystal's been in Regiment for about 12 years, and while it's not longer than most, it's important for her. Crystal had no control before Regiment, and now she's actually a functional person, which is good for her, means she's not delusional and hallucinating (according to her)
      ► She was in South Dakota for that whole time, so if you were over there at any point and would like lines. Let me know? (My discord is 'squidded' on the group chat, I'm usually online so just hit me up if you wanna talk details or thoughts)
      ► She's transferring to Limbo after a pretty rough breakup with her partner, thankfully, she's got Matt and Riley for handlers now, hi team!
      ► If you think 'that surname is familiar', and then think 'that pb looks like it could be', you would be right! Crystal is Sandy's mom. -dum dum dum-!

    And just to follow up. Yes, Crystal is exceptionally powerful. But Crystal is also an older fully trained and in control telepath who has taken a long time to get there, her early years were not kind and she did not handle her power well. If you think she's over powered, talk to me. Crystal doesn't abuse her powers like some do, she doesn't always listen to everyone all the time, and she has boundaries that she put in place because of how her powers affected her life.

    She's primarily here to teach younger telepaths how to handle their powers -because it's hard and she gets it. But if you don't want a line with that, it's fine, no one will force you. Right now she's here to help Victor and Sandy because I've discussed lines with their players. Anyone else, hit me up on discord to plot/chat.

    May. 31st, 2018



    [No Subject]

    Hey, it's me again, Jay! I have Miss Bones [info]bonecaged, which you've already met and now I am bringing in a second beb (and probably two more cos I have ideas). Anyway! Lemme give you a breakdown of my boy here.

    His birth name is Alexander Hughes and has been going under the alias Jax Ryker. I don't think that'll matter much here because his handler and Co. will be calling him by his actual name.

    He's got pain suppression so he doesn't feel jack and that's why his whole body is one giant canvas and on top of that he's got wicked enhanced durability. So this mfer will keep on going for before his body is like dude calm yo tits. Lastily, he's got nerve manipulation.

    Alex doesn't like to talk too much and when he does it's this gross, raspy, wet clicking 'cos of an old injury that kind of fucked up his vocal cords. RE: selective mute. He's on the autistic spectrum (Asperger's) so he does things a little bit differently and may seem a little odd to others. He's good friend with Beau (since they were 15) and I know there's a few of you out there with characters connected to Beau so hit me up and we can discuss the relationship between Alex and yours. Alex is on Charlotte's team so whoever is on his team, hi you gotta deal with a creepo.

    Give me all the plots and lines. Please and thank you.

    May. 26th, 2018



    [No Subject]

    Elle here with my third bb. People keep telling me why I don't have 10000+ characters but fear not. I will slowly but surely get there I'm sure lmao.

    • Thomas "Tommy" Graham. Orphan/no family. Cinnamon roll a little stale but still too pure for this world. Pls look after him.
    • He has forcefield generation, energy contructs, telepathy and a psychic shield~
    • Got into petty crime and theft when he was younger so he was a bad apple up until the Regiment program.
    • Ran with Beau's crew and grew a liking to the gravity manipulator until Beau was arrested. :(
    • Spent the rest of that time after trying to keep ahead of the police but he was ultimately captured and sent to Underworld. (PS. If anyone who used to be at the Underworld facility would like to know Tommy pleaaase feel free to ask.) I would love the lines~
    • Has somewhat gotten over his troubled past and is trying his best to be all that he can be.

    Gimme things ty.



    [No Subject]

    Kai here with some good news: Ben is back (hopefully)!

    For those of you who never had the strange pleasure of meeting Benjamin Behrman or need a refresher:

    Ben was a molecular engineer turned fashion designer who, after feeling like his genius was underappreciated in both fields, came to work as both a designer and engineer for the Regiment. His main job is to create mission suits, armor, and other textiles that can be put to good use here. Think of it this way: Ben is to Limbo as Edna Mode is to the Incredibles.

    His unofficial job is to endear himself upon everyone he meets. He can be a bit much, larger than life, with an ego to match. No one around him goes without a nickname of some kind (typically some kind of Greek mythology reference) and he's not one to take things too seriously.

    So besides the usual, he's going to need a fellow gossip to start trouble with There has to be one little mischief maker floating around willing to take on that responsibility.

    May. 24th, 2018



    [No Subject]

    Hi folks

    MJ here, bringing in two new boys:

  • Zeke Masters aka Tundra - He's 29, member of Wonderland aka The White Rabbit, previously assigned to Everglades and now being transfered into Limbo. He happens to have Thermokinesis, Cyrokinesis and Organic Ice form. He's a fairly charming friendly guy who can pretty much make friends wherever he goes and he's generally speaking a fun guy. Currently assigned to Saffron Gupta

  • Jamie Rowan aka TNT - He's 27, has been in Texas up until recently so if your characters have been there in the last few years you would have known Jame. He's a lot like his power set and codename, he can be quite explosive and tends to jump in with both feet without thinking things through. He has: Explosion Inducement, Explosion Absorption, Explosive Combat and Explosion Immunity. He's currently assigned to Scott Deacon.

    Looking forward to getting them involved in the game so do hit me up if you're interested in doing anything with either of them.

    And as always all my others can be found here and all of them are available for scenes and things

  • May. 23rd, 2018



    [No Subject]

    Hi everyone! Here to introduce a new character.

    • aka Shade aka Mila Petrova aka Kate Petrova aka Nina Reid
    • Team Gupta
    • Twenty-eight
    • Powers include Invisibility, Phasing/Intangibility, Psioplasmic Field Generation, and stealing away into your house to snag yo shit.
    • If you spent any time at the Texas facility in the past year or so, you may have run into her.
    • Engineer student dropout turned cat burglar oop.
    • Good at Fixing Things.
    • Despite being good at stealing it, she's shit at handling her money.
    • Eats dessert first.
    • Likes cats.
    • Interested in more? Find out here.

    As usual, all my other characters are still open for plotting and playing, and I currently have an open scene for Henry located over here. Thanks beautiful friends! ♥

    May. 16th, 2018



    [No Subject]

    Hi all, Mena here. I'd like to introduce you to Cerise Jacot, she's a newbie transferred in from South Dakota, where she had been since her arrest in December last year.

    She's got a few neat powers: flash pre-cognition, social cloaking and enhanced self-preservation. Oh, and life-force absorbtion, so she always wears long sleeves and archery gloves and is pretty contact shy, just in case she ends up Rogue-ing out.

    She's on Scott's team, so hi there to her team-mates and handler!

    As always, my others are always up for plots. Come play with me! :D



    [No Subject]

    Yeah, nope, not got a problem. Nothing to see here, move along >.>

    This here is Simon Fitch, you might already be familiar with his mother, sister, and meathead BFF but save the best until last, right? ;)

  • He's 21, recently nabbed by the authorities, and picked Regiment over jail
  • Powers are: Solar Radiation Absorption, Thermokinesis, Extreme Temperature Immunity & Thermokinetic Concussive Blasts
  • Rich boy turned pro-super activist
  • Powers on lockdown because he did not go quietly into the night, not at all >.>
  • HUGE flirt so I apologise in advance
  • Also I feel very sorry for his handlers, I really do

    And as always the rest of mine can be found here and are open to plots etc

    Hit me up!


  • [info]iscreams


    [No Subject]

    Nothing can stop me, it's Squid again. This one was a pure spur of the moment, but she's just about some fun and lighthearted shit going down.

    ɢᴏʟᴅɪᴇ ᴋᴇᴇɴ

      ► codename songbird
      ► relatively pop-techno-fun musician, primarily a singer but she can compose and play
      ► lives for the moment, every moment, just enjoying herself
      ► she's got sound manipulation and solidification powers, and musical inducement, which is when she can make everyone dance and sing
      ► legit; she can make people turn into a musical from time to time, she doesn't love doing it, but she loves what it does.
      ► for anyone who was outside regiment for 2004 onwards, you've probably heard her music at some point; not saying you loved it, but you've likely heard it yes, I'm using Ke$ha/Kesha's music as hers, I regret nothing



    [No Subject]

    Lindsey once again! I regret literally nothing.

    • aka Alpha
    • Twenty-one
    • Powers include enhanced strength, enhanced senses, regenerative healing factor, and superhuman charm
    • Originally from Indiana, lived the past couple of years in NYC
    • Not the brightest bulb, but means well (usually)
    • Hockey is life
    • Not a fuckboy (definitely a fuckboy)
    • Recent addition to the Regiment, thanks to his ill-advised team-up with BFF Simon Fitch
    • Member of Matt and Riley's team
    • Cereal killer
    • Find out more here!

    Can't wait to plot him with you lovelies. Additionally, the rest of my roster is, as always, open for things -- plot and/or scenes. I'm too lazy to list rn but you can find them all on the contact list. Thanks babes!



    [No Subject]

    Hello my name is Green and I am exciiiited to play my terrible boy with you guys. I only have Joey for now, but we'll see how we go.

    Joey is Frankie's older brother, and a total mess. He has a mutation that's way easier to pass off than her bones all over ass in that his eyes are black. He's absolutely not a combat build, though he can swap minds with folks he touches like so. He can also read minds, mildly control emotions and provide some pain relief. He's useless in the field so boii is a cook and also does some cleaning in the kitchens.

    Prior to this joint, boy was being dried out due to drug addiction in another facility, and he's been bounced around a lil bit bc he's a bit of a problem child. Not in a horrendous way, more "that kid in the corner keeps lying to the teacher to try and get them to pay attention to him" way. You can read more about him here and you can usually see him in common areas trying to consume a million pieces of media at once. Or cooking. He loves him some cooking.

    I am up for a lot so hmu on discord or on the contact post in his journal thank you and good afternoon

    May. 12th, 2018



    [No Subject]

    Hey everyone, new blood here. Name's Jay and I think I've played with a few of you already, but I am totally excited to meet and play with the rest of you! Right now I have Frankie. She's part of the Outsider Fam (she's Paige's replacement). I've already touched based with the rest of the gang.

    She was here once before, got transferred to another facility and now she's coming back "home". Frankie is a little standoffish and has perfected the deadpan stare. Not easily one to make friends with as she's very cautious and wary of any and all people out of her little circle. Frankie is pretty much Marrow from the X-Men (with a sprinkle of Blink) so she's got bones poking out of her body 24/7.

    You can read more about her and her powers in her here! Give me all the plots and lines. If you want your char to have interacted with Frankie before her departure let me know, I am usually up for almost everything.



    [No Subject]

    Hello, my name is Kate and I am joining your lovely little sandbox.

    This here is Derek, he's a small time criminal, originally from DC but shipping in from Chicago. He has the power to cloak and work out probabilities in his head. He's being shipped in a little worse for wear, but he'll manage somehow. He's a bit of a charmer and a smooth talker, kind of with a heart of slightly tarnished silver, not quite gold. He's been assigned to Riley Hunter and Matt Deacon's team, so hi there team mates?

    His app is here for more details or feel free to poke me.

    May. 3rd, 2018



    [No Subject]

    Hi, I'm MJ, and I am a characteraholic MJ here with one more boy and I won't say this is my last because as if >.>

    This here is Benjamin Walker

    Some key things to know about him:

  • He's British, a Geordie to be exact
  • Was on holiday when he got grabbed and had no idea he was a super until that point
  • Currently assigned to Charlie's team
  • Has himself: reactive invulnerability, pain suppression, enhanced recovery and danger empowerment
  • Previous to Limbo he was in South Dakota so holler at anyone from that facility
  • He's a hot ball of hot mess but generally speaking he's a nice guy unless you piss him off or you get on the wrong side of him
  • He is in a habit making all the wrong kind of decisions so that's just a heads up, lol

    As always my others are here and are available for all the scenes and plots
