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X-2012, an x-game with a twist [16 Jan 2010|05:06am]
The world was reborn
It was just over a year ago that a solar flare activated the X-gene and created mutants. Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr opened the Xavier Haven for these newly gifted individuals, but found themselves facing more challenges than they anticipated. A mutant riot pushed Senator Kelly's Mutant Registration Bill through Congress, the Sentinel Project is soon to launch, and the rogue mutant Sabretooth is attacking his own kind. The X-Men and Acolytes are both recruiting, what will you do in this new world? Join us and help build the future!

Wanted: Banshee, Boom Boom, Chamber, Deadpool, Havok, Iceman, Jubilee, Lady Deathstrike, Nightcrawler, Storm, Sunspot, more X-Men, Acolytes and OCs

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Fandom asylums [16 Jan 2010|01:23pm]
[info]octopon - Pirates of DarkWater fandom asylum.

[info]vagrant_story - Vagrant Story fandom asylum. Pending/WIP.

Please feel free to join [info]commedia; a personal project of mine, aiming to review and analyze comics (and other selected media) that feature DC Comics' The Joker.

It is currently a WIP because I am still going through my 530+ (and counting) hardcopy!issues collection. I do not download torrents/scans, or refer to them as sources.

Two important polls need to be voted on, as seen here explaining two routes the asylum's project can take. IE: spoiler free reviews, spoilerific reviews, etc. This asylum will remain as a WIP until further interest is shown.
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[ viewing | January 16th, 2010 ]
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