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Back September 14th, 2013 Forward

STEP RIGHT UP! Ladies, gentlemen, other beings - how would YOU like to travel the GREATEST of countries, these Uniiited States? To see the sights? Why, I bet there's places you've never even heard of! What do I have to do? I hear you ask, well, that's easy. Join the Carnival, of course! Yes, you'll be given a job. You'll be fed, have a place to sleep and be given a cut of the takings. Why, what more could a person ask for in these troubled times?

Carnaval de la Lumière is a brand new panfandom game set in a depression era (1930s) traveling carnival. We accept fandom and original characters alike. Characters are given a role within the carnival, travel the country with it, and will often find themselves dealing with supernatural issues along with the more mundane. So if you're looking for something a little different, be sure to come and look inside the tent!

Valerian [userpic]



Respect Your Education

Character Directory
There comes a time in every young man and you woman's life when they have to ask themselves once of two questions. For the less fortunate among us, that question is what would they be willing to sacrifice to get one of the best educations in the country? Would they willingly give up their dignity? Their freedom? Their body? And for those who are considered to be amongst the country's elite, the 1% as they are often called, they have to ask themselves what they would do if they were given near absolute power? Would they lord it over others like the old nobles did? Or would they treat those considered beneath them as equals?

Back September 14th, 2013 Forward