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[28 Jul 2010|12:41am]
Sydney, Australia. 2030. Australia School for Talents.
In 2020 the Australian Government passed the MCA. Mutant Control Act. Mutants were forced to register with the government and carry around special identification cards; those who refused disappeared into thin air. Businesses were allowed scanners and given the ability to deny any mutant customer. Schools were allowed to deny prospective students simply because of their mutant status.

Things were starting to take a turn for the worse for all mutants, until the Australia School for Talents opened in 2025, taking any mutant students that were high school aged. The school was a sign of hope for mutants, until the first wave a students started school and saw the school for what it really was. Another way for the government to control them.

Strict rules and curfews were set in place, designed specifically to a firm hand and ever-watchful eyes on each student. Each rule is to be followed, and are thoroughly enforced. No cars are allowed, but there is a bus to get to the city. Be forewarned: those who miss the last bus are thoroughly punished. They’re money is controlled, and their spending is monitored. Activities are limited to government approved sports. Clubs are allowed but discouraged so that students don’t get the idea to mutiny.

Yet, there are whispers amongst the student body that perhaps control isn’t as tight as the leaders think. Whispers that stop when authority is in hearing range. Will you join the rebellion?

Game opens on August 11th, or 8 applications


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[28 Jul 2010|05:29pm]

Destiny Falls


Bet it all at the Sypher Hotel and Casino

Character Directory
Taken and Reserved PBs
Friending Button
After all, what do you have to lose? There's a man sitting in an oppulent office in the tower high above the idylic island of Destiny Falls that's waiting to find out. Who cares if he's a little - strange? He can and will give you anything...For a small fee. But does it matter what you give up when there is SO much to gain? Leave everything behind and come on down to visit Mr. Sypher and have a drink at the luxurious Sypher Hotel and Casino...
The first round's on him.

Destiny Falls is a brand new, original character RPG set in the fictional island of Destiny Falls off of the East coast of the United States. We are looking for any and all original characters you might be able to dream up! If you have any questions, please email the mods at

*Because of the adult content that will play a major part in this game, the game is rated NC-17 with NO exceptions.

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In Darkness - A panfandom [28 Jul 2010|08:52pm]

In Darkness


Can you find the way off the island?


Most Wanted
Covenant Characters
Harry Potter Characters
Firefly Characters
Lemony Snickett Characters
Twilight Characters
Leverage Characters
Buffy/Angel Characters
Star Trek Characters

Don't Close Your Eyes
They came at night, men and women in white coats with needles and drugs, chloroform and ether, invading the sanctity of homes. They stepped through portals and no wards or locks could stop them. They kidnapped individuals and took them to an artificial island for the purpose of observing them.

The Heads put their new subjects in rooms in a hotel, turned on their cameras, and settled down to wait. They were engaged in a social experiment, peppering their artificial island with rumors of a way back home, if only people could learn to work together.

But the people weren't simply left to their own devices. The Heads create hazards on a weekly basis to keep the population on their toes and to observe the effects of various changes to the environment. They want to see the formation of bonds of friendship and love, of animosity and hatred, and then test those bonds.

Is there an escape? Will it be found before it's too late? Can antagonists learn to work together? Come join us and find out ...

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