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[17 Nov 2009|03:37pm]



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In early 2007 President George W. Bush and a few of his joint chiefs were at a Anti-Mutant Rights Charity Gala in Arlington Texas where he was a guest speaker when tragedy struck. A bomb that was wired to the inner lining of the basement floor detonated at exactly 10:32 am destroying the entire building, reducing it to mere rubble. The nation was devastated, the President for which Cheney had amended the constitution to stay in office because of his fearless leadership against the mutants, was dead. His predesscor Dick Cheney stepped up as President and the new leader of the supposed 'Free World'. After Cheney was sworn in a video surfaced of a known mutant speaker taking the blame for the bombing.

Not just taking the blame but bragging to the public and threatening more death if the U.S.A. did not cooperate with mutant rights. At once war was declared on mutant-kind and any countries that supported them. Russia, Iraq, Afghanistan, North Korea, Japan, China, all were standing at edge as the U.S. armed their missile silos. For twenty-four hours the world was at a stand still as nuclear holocaust approached. Fortunately an agreement was made, a treaty signed and the world was able to breath. The only drawback? Mutants were now property of the countries in which they originated and were to be tested, cataloged, forced into camps that were more like prisons and some tortured, starved and treated in unspeakable ways. Why? Well because they were the new terrorists, the new Al-Qaueda. For two years the world treated their mutants like this until finally it was India and Russia who stood up and said no more. (continue)

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[17 Nov 2009|05:14pm]

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