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[16 Nov 2009|12:00am]
The winter of our discontent...

On September 1st Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry allowed the class of 1998 to return with the other students to retake their NEWTs. But a virus that inhibits magic has hit the school, and the Ministry have quarantined everyone inside to prevent the spread.

There's no where to run...

Tensions are running high, magic is building up inside the bubble, and it has begun to draw something else to the castle.


Cedric Diggory has found his way back to the school, lost and confused, and according to him, more are coming...


Currently casting ghosts; Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Fred Weasley, Colin Creevey, Bellatrix Lestrange...

Other Wanted Characters: Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Lisa Turpin, Tracey Davies, Death Eaters, Original Student Characters and lots more!

[info]plagued_rpg | [info]plagued_ooc | [info]pre_plagued


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[16 Nov 2009|12:23am]








"Torchwood: outside the government, beyond the police; tracking down alien life on Earth, and arming the human race against the future. The Twenty-First Century is when it all changes. And Torchwood is ready."

It all changes here: Cardiff. Welcome to Torchwood Three.

Located in an underground base called the Hub and under the command of Captain Jack Harkness, Torchwood Three has the task of monitoring the time rift and phenomena associated with it, as well as securing for Torchwood any artifacts that might come through. The Rift, situated in (and above) Cardiff, stretches about five miles from Cardiff Bay.

Mission profile and operations:
» Defend Earth at any cost
» Rift monitoring and control
» Weevil containment
» Caring for rift returnees
» Reverse-engineering technology

Have you got what it takes to work for Torchwood? Or maybe you've seen the strange looking blue police box that sometimes appears on the Roald Dahl Plass?

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Recuperatio [16 Nov 2009|03:04am]

Currently Casting | Casting Studio | Application | Rules | Recuperatio RPG

“Tragedy blows through your life like a tornado, uprooting everything, creating chaos. You wait for the dust to settle, and then you choose. You can live in the wreckage and pretend it's still the mansion you remember. Or you can crawl from the rubble and slowly rebuild. Because after disaster strikes, the important thing is that you move on.”-Veronica Mars

Seven years ago, the Dark Lord Voldemort fell, finally bringing an end to his vicious reign of power and terror. Yet, the war did not end with his death. For years, the Wizarding World has worked to repair the damages left during the aftermath of war. Emotional burdens have yet to fully heal, too many lives destroyed, families torn apart, and friends lost. Hogwarts was left in rubble, unable to reopen for years, the damage too great, endless sweat and tears shed as people worked to rebuild the foundations to give their children a future. Death Eaters still roam free, cunningly avoiding even the best Aurors, leaving many in fear that another war will be on the horizon.

As things begin to resemble some semblance of normalcy, an old follower of Voldemort is in the wings, plotting his revenge, gathering the remaining Death Eaters and new followers, planning to unleash a new war, wanting to finish his master’s vision. In the Ministry, a serial killer is murdering powerful political figures, leaving everyone pointing fingers and letting things slip through the cracks. Fenrir Greyback has escaped from Azkaban, butchering countless individuals as he runs from Aurors, gathering and making new werewolves in his travels, building an army to strike against the Ministry. Vampires have demanded equality for their race, threatening to reveal themselves to Muggles if the Ministry does not comply with their wishes and their campaign has given life to Hermione Granger’s political ambitions for equality to all magical creatures. The Prophet, with it’s new Editor-In-Chief, Katie Bell, now reports real news and is angering people throughout the Ministry for it’s blunt facts, politics, and critique of the Ministry.

All the while, the Muggle World is at war in the Middle East, affecting the Wizarding World as it heightens.

The entire world is in complete chaos.

Minister of Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt is determined to rebuild the Wizarding Community into a vision of peace and has called forth some of the best Aurors from around the world in an effort to clean up the United Kingdom, determined to capture and imprison the remaining Death Eaters and send a clear message of constant vigilance to those seeking to do more harm. Many are unhappy with the Minister’s plans, many seeking to replace him and other important individuals, some willing to go to great lengths to achieve their goals.

The Wizarding World is torn between fully recovering and moving forward and taking two steps back, arriving right back where they left off seven years ago. A new war is on the brink. Which side will you choose?

Most Wanted: Lavender Brown, Seamus Finnigan, Daphne Greengrass, Gregory Goyle, Angelina Johnson, Rabastan & Rodolphus Lestrange, Luna Lovegood, Alicia Spinnet, Bill, Fleur, George, & Percy Weasley, Oliver Wood, and many others!

Recasts: Susan Bones, Mandy Brocklehurst, Millicent Bulstrode, Penelope Clearwater, Marcus Flint, Astoria Greengrass, Morag MacDougal, Ernie Macmillan, Draco Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Harry Potter, Theodore Nott, Charlie Weasley, and Ginny Weasley.

All recast information can be found here

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[16 Nov 2009|05:04pm]

You open your eyes to darkness. The air smells stale and confined. Lifting a hand, you feel glass, smooth and curved. Instinctively, your heart beats faster. A tentative push and it rises away from you, swinging to the side. Light filters in through windows above. You blink, your eyes adjusting to the shadowed room as you try to remember what happened.

A thin layer of dust covers everything. There are no panes of glass in the windows. The virus. You remember now. They told you stasis was a precaution. Only a few weeks. A month, at best. Let them get the virus under control.

Standing beside your pod, legs shaking from disuse, you feel a sense of apprehension creeping over you. Your heart beats even faster now. A table nearby has a pile of scrolls on it and, with a sense of foreboding, you cross to find the one with your initials on it.

~~~ The year is 2100. ~~~

Waking Pandora is an AU, post-apocalyptic Harry Potter RPG based partially on the History Channel series Life after People. One hundred years after humanity is destroyed by a Muggle-made virus, people - magical and muggle - are waking up in the stasis pods that had been humanity's bid for survival.

Armed with only a small pack of things, your wits, and limited initial magical ability, you must learn to not only survive but also rebuild the world, brick by brick, and child by child. Anything is possible in Waking Pandora.

Ask yourself this: Do you want to be a vital part of an RPG that is more than just commonplace and routine? Where the world you build is literally the new world of humanity and players can participate as much as they want? Then Waking Pandora is the place for you.

Wake up to a world where Hope and the future is what you make of it. Waking Pandora

Most Wanted: Susan Bones, Millicent Bulstrode, Cho Chang, Marcus Flint, Lee Jordan, Rabastan Lestrange, Ernie Macmillan, Lucius Malfoy, Parvati Patil, Harry Potter, Dean Thomas, Bill Weasley, Ron Weasley, Oliver Wood, Blaise Zabini and more.
Premise | Application | Open Characters | FAQ | Rules
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