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[07 Apr 2009|12:15am]
Brief Premise!

The supernatural, once plentiful and awash across the earth, were forced into hiding by the first hero. Science became the ally of the mysterious: rational thought explained away every myth, cloaking them in the shadow of ignorance. Their hiding place was not secure, however: A secret league from the olden times still existed. It was their job to make sure that the mystic stayed hidden from the rest of the world. And for hundreds of years, they succeeded, and supernatural numbers continued to dwindle. But some found the methods of the league old fashioned, and out dated in comparison with what modern technology could bring. These members were more intrigued with discovering mythical secrets. And so, construction began, and another threat had emerged. One hidden behind a dazzling new city, and a state of the art facility meant to maintain it. For as long as necessary.

And that's why you've woken up here.

Trapped by an insidious wall in a peculiar, but deadly town, filled with eccentric people that disappear in the middle of the night, never to be seen again, and buildings that periodically close down, trapping their inhabitants. Danger, both visible, and invisible, is waiting patiently to consume you on the next given opportunity, and the people here have something they're not telling.

Welcome to Aresville, we hope you survive your stay.
Opens on April 20th, or when we get 13 characters!
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All Original. All the Time. Check us out! [07 Apr 2009|05:30am]

MORANA HILL - such a nice place to live


It is an ordinary day.

You start to wake - perhaps you stretch and yawn, before opening your eyes. But you aren't in your own room. This is not your own bed.

Welcome to Morana Hill.

We are a new game, but our mods are friendly, approachable, and ready to hear your ideas. If you're up for a challenge, or are just looking for something different, check us out! Original characters are welcome. You don't need to know anybody in game, or have a prior sl set up. Just a character journal and your imagination!
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[07 Apr 2009|02:04pm]
Mods | RPG | OOC
Premise | Wanted | Rules | Cast | Apply

Now A Photo PB Game

This frontier town of magic will become a battleground. Which side will you be fighting on? The Victorian Company rules Memphis. They sell magical perfume for all occasions. Perfumes for love, success and money. Attraction. Success. Perfumes for all purposes, magical perfumes, and love oils that force men and women to be slaves. They are the law. Fight against them and they will destroy you.

P E R F U M E: A Supernatural Western RPG
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[07 Apr 2009|04:48pm]
What side would you find yourself on if everything you'd ever known was stripped away? What happens when your world has been reset and all you have are your memories of the life you've been taken from? What if you discovered you were just a pawn in some bigger player's game? Would you change? Would you join forces with a serial killer or turn your back on a hero to get to the bottom of a problem bigger than you? Or would you do nothing at all?

The Marked is a multi-fandom game. Unlike most other games in this genre, we endorse canon portrayals of your favorite characters and we also provide a working plot for you and your characters to participate in.

We are looking for all fandoms. We have an amazing set of writers thus far, plus we are growing. Come help us along?

Dark Angel: Original Cindy, Zack, Eyes Only, Rachel Berrisford, Sketchy, Ames White.

Supernatural: Ruby, Bobby Singer.

Torchwood: Ianto, Gwen, Tosh, Owen. Ianto hold, please recontact us.

Bones: Seeley Boothe.

Heroes: Mohinder Suresh, Claire Bennett, Noah Bennett. Now Open, Luke Campbell.

Buffy the Vampire Series/Angel the Series: Faith, Dawn Summers, Spike, Angel or Angelus, some slayer potentials like Kennedy, Willow Rosenberg.

Battlestar Galactica: Tom Zarek, Any of the 12 cylons, Athena, Helo, Gaeta, Dee.

Leverage: Nathan Ford, Sophie Devereaux, Alec Hardison, Sterling

Other Fandoms, be creative and join the fun.
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[07 Apr 2009|10:31pm]


Five years after Sunnydale was swallowed by the earth, it's back. Or a reasonable facsimile at least. Built over the ruins of the old town, the newly named Prescott Valley has been billed as a shining oasis full of new houses and families. A mere two hour drive from LA, Prescott Valley has cinemas, schools, a mall, several Starbucks... in short, all the amenities you would expect to find in a freshly built town.

And one that you wouldn't.

Deep below the town, something else has been rebuilt: the Hellmouth. Called to this portal between Earth and the Underworld is the Source, in the body of Cole Turner. In a last ditch effort to win his love back, Cole made a deal to take the Source into his body in exchange for actually getting a body. However, Cole was not as powerful as he thought and his plan to double cross the Source failed.

Working with the First, the two Biggest Bads of all time are slowly but surely taking over the town of Prescott Valley, on their way to dominating the world. Tentative news of increased supernatural activity has reached the ears of the Good, however and protectors the likes of the Slayers, the Charmed Ones and others have begun trickling back into the area to investigate. Unbeknownst to most of the Prescott Valleyians, humans have been recruited, lured with promises of power and riches, and slowly the town is decaying again.

In this epic battle of Good versus Evil, who's side will you be on?

Characters still available from Buffy, Charmed, Supernatural and more!!
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AThinBlackLine, a Gladiator X-men game [07 Apr 2009|11:24pm]

Welcome to Revolve
We are a very active community looking for talented writers! The setting is dark and we encourage characters to push their limits, fight the system or even crack under the pressure. Enthusiastic mods, lots of canons open, OCs and humans are more than welcome and only limited comic book knowledge is needed.
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