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Posts Tagged: 'damien+thorn+:+ceo_antichrist'

Jan. 13th, 2013



[No Subject]

What fun can I, a mad man, have with this bracelet?

Jan. 4th, 2013


[No Subject]

New York looks a little different from what I remember, but I suppose that happens when one finds themselves in the future. All that really matters is there's no Blade. That almost merits the throwing of a party. An easy way to begin repopulating my House.

Dec. 25th, 2012



[No Subject]

Not sure which angels are worse, those ones are the ones I know of personally from the Book Well, glad the insanity is over. But seems it is done now. Friends of mine, we should have dinner sometime to celebrate being lucky enough to survive such an ordeal. Ohh. Even better, another party. Been a while since there was one at my home.

What do you say about a test? I have pint bag of my blood. You could take it with you to mix it with that Claire girl's blood. No doubt it would be a rush.

[Damon [info]illstripforyou]
Hey, you working anywhere professionally? For the dancing thing that you have skill at. I was pondering the idea of giving payment for your services. For my party. Like, you can dance on a stage and get others in the mood simply by seeing it. Not for a whole night, just maybe off and on when you wish to during the night.

Nice to see that we are still safe after that whole "zapping angels" mess. I'd usually suggest going out to a club or somewhere else, but I'd wager they're closed til tomorrow. But if you come to my place right now, I may have something just for you. Well.. besides me, of course, haha. I have quite a few gifts you might like. :)


OOC: Gifts! )

Dec. 15th, 2012



[No Subject]


Still here and around? Whatever you do, don't look at those angels. I understand it can be quite bad. Or if you do see.. don't blink or look away. I don't know what happens or where they zap people too. Or if they die I'd be very cross if they Cross.. get it? Heh. Personally, I'd like to take a spiked mace or sledgehammer to one, though.

But.. there's a new arrival, this guy. May be a bit presumptuous of me to say so, but I think you might like him. He's a lot like us in some ways. And, I have this feeling he could be a demon too. He does raise a good point, another party would be nice to have when this is over. At least one as good as or better than our last one.

Dec. 1st, 2012



[No Subject]

Things are looking even better lately. I must admit, I like Chicago. Managed to obtain ownership take over, really of a nightclub or two. I think I'll go there tonight just to make sure it's going as nicely as usual. Or even better, as it can only benefit from my hands More sin

Hey, I left some blood of mine in the fridge. So if you go to visit Claire.. feel free to take some and mix it with hers when you feed. I'd love to hear all about it after you try it out.

Bored, maybe we could amend that? We could check out the club. Thinking about renaming it. Oh, and I've gained influence over some of the criminal underworld in my city. They somehow felt persuaded to pledge their allegiance to me. Now if that isn't reason to celebrate, I don't know what is. ;)

Nov. 9th, 2012


[No Subject]

When the Devil is too busy and Death's a bit too much
They call on me by name you see
For my special touch
To the gentlemen I'm Misfortune
To the ladies, I'm surprise
But call me by any name
Any way it's all the same

I'm the fly in your soup
I'm the pebble in your shoe
I'm the pea beneath your bed
I'm a bump on every head
I'm the peel on which you slip
I'm a pin in every hip
I'm the thorn in your side
Makes you wriggle and writhe

And it's so easy when you're evil
This is the life, you see
The Devil tips his hat to me
I do it all because I'm evil
And I do it all for free
Your tears are all the pay I'll ever need

While there's children to make sad )