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January 27th, 2013


Filtered to Kori and Jay-bird

I know I don't say this a lot but I'm glad I have the two of you.



[No Subject]

Hope you didn't all think I forgot about you.

- A



[No Subject]

It was a fun two week and after looking over what my pets have acquired for me and seeing that I have completed my first step.

It seems that it’s time to see how this Project Chaos work and how I can use it in my next step of my MASTER plan



[No Subject]

One wouldn’t have guess this, but it getting a little boring going to places that you been and see that you didn’t change a thing.

We thought it you kill something or someone it would change the life of that places. But when you go back to that set time and see that it didn’t change at all, so where the fun in that?



[No Subject]

So can anyone give a guy a helping hand? I don’t have a clue where to have this thing take me to. That would be fun to go to.

[No Subject]

I saw someone say thing about a team called the Avengers? Could you tell me who the team leader of that group?



[No Subject]

I think I wanna stay in Gotham. No one thought anything of

[Stiles & Allison]
Wayne Manor isn't as secure as it seems. I had a little help sneaking in. We'll take a tour in a few days.



Klaus [info]truehybrid

How do you get over someone who says that they love you, but didn't pick you because they love someone else more?

[No Subject]

Yeah, so ...

Not really sure what Project Chaos is supposed to mean, but I've got other things to worry about.



[No Subject]

Huntress, have you been near my bat-cow?