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December 17th, 2012



[No Subject]

Natasha? Are you here?



[No Subject]

They've gotten a lot of us now...



[No Subject]

Um, what?



[No Subject]

I don't get it.



[No Subject]

Oh, you've got to be kidd-



[No Subject]

Guess this is it.



Voice post.




[No Subject]

Jawas roll call?

Anyone else here?

Harry, I know you're out there.



[No Subject]

Jesus fu-



[No Subject]





[No Subject]


Oh fudge.



[No Subject]

So these nightmares think they can impress themselves upon the minds of men? I will face them down and feed them to my children.



[No Subject]

Son. Of. A. Bic..



[No Subject]

I've got to hide from every fucking male cat in London and now I have to dodge these dodgey looking creepy ass Angel statues? What I wouldn't do for a baseball bat.

I am passed ready to go back to Nashville.



[No Subject]

I've been mapping Ways all over London, but I can't get anywhere else. But I can at least try to help relocate people, if I can move fast enough.

These things are insanely fast though.

Steve [info]formerseal.

Steve...Veronica's gone. I'm sorry.



[No Subject]

Doctor...light's aren't working.



[No Subject]

[Screams and then suddenly cuts out]



[No Subject]

[Suddenly is screaming and then cries.]



[No Subject]

Everyone who is now in the past with us, well...I guess it's the present for us now...there is a hotel. Everyone can go there, arrangements have been made. I don't know how many of us there are, but if we stick together...we will be okay. I hope.

Go to this [address].



[No Subject]

What's with the lights? Or...lack thereof. I don't like this.

Wade? Please tell me you're still okay.



[No Subject]




[No Subject]

Are you....are you kidding me??! There are crazy kidnapping statues running around and you couldn't keep your eyes on a ten year old long enough to keep her safe?! Are you SERIOUS!!!?

I can't sodding believe that with FOUR copies of her father and the GIRLFRIENDS no one could keep her safe until we got back. I cannot. Fucking. Believe it.



[No Subject]




[No Subject]

Um...I don't think we're in Kansas anymore, Toto? If I click my heels together, can I go back?



[No Subject]

No electricity. Awesome. I didn't want a hot shower anyway.

[Private to Chance Harbor witches]

It's been relatively quiet. Everyone safe and accounted for?



Private to family and other me.

I'm going to seek out and angel and get sent back.

V and Gracie are there.

Keep indoors, if you are at a hotel, make sure to look before you step out in the hall.

Other me, make sure mom, both Mary's and younger me will be alright.

Both Mary's, keep out of trouble, I mean it, stay in.

I love both of you, very much.

Mom, just don't do anything rash and I love you too.

Younger me, watch out for your sister and stop being a wise ass to everything that's not her.




[No Subject]

Well, this has been one hell of a fucked up night, no?

McGarretts, check in, please.

[No Subject]

What the hell is going on?

Puck? Where the hell am I and why is it so dark?



[No Subject]

Oliver, Dad, I can't find Thea.

I heard her earlier, but it was cut off and the lights are out.