May 5th, 2010

[info]alylicious in [info]primevalathon


We're still waiting on the last four stories coming in, and I've chased the authors who are still outstanding and aimed my best school mistress frown in their general direction, but I wanted to let people know that we will be seeking pinch hitters for any stories that aren't posted by tomorrow night, so watch this space. No one will be left without a story. If you've ever been involved in previous ficathons we've run, you know we're rather tenacious about that ::g::

Also, I wanted to remind people that we will be posting orphan prompts after everyone has a story, i.e. the prompts that weren't used by the assigned author to write the story. They will be available to be used by anyone who is inspired, whether they signed up to this round of the ficathon or not. If you, as an author, haven't clearly indicated on your story which prompt you've used, we'll probably just include all three of your recipient's prompts on the list, so if you would prefer that not happen - or even if you'd like to make our lives a little easier ::g:: - please consider editing your story post to make which prompt you used clear to somewhat frazzled moderators (in other words, you might need to spell it out for us because we're occasionally a little slow on the uptake).

Thank you!

Once all stories are in, I'll be posting the masterlist to all three journalling sites (i.e. dreamwidth and insanejournal as well as livejournal). So watch those spaces as well :)