November 16th, 2008

[info]aithine in [info]primevalathon

For moonlettuce: "Three points for a win" by Aithine

Three points for a win by Aithine

Recipient: [info]moonlettuce

Requests: "One of the SF team starts flirting with Stephen. Nick realises how very jealous he is" and "Nick and Stephen in a lift. Smut ensues..."

Pairing: Nick/Stephen

Rating: All ages

Summary: He knew he had no reason to be this possessive of Stephen, but logic never seemed to stop him when he felt this strongly. (Takes place between 1.5 and 1.6.)

Disclaimer: Primeval is not mine. I'm just borrowing the characters for a bit.

[info]alylicious in [info]primevalathon

Admin post

First of all, thank you all for taking part. :) I'm sure people are busy reading the stories that have been posted so far, but in the interim, I'd like to make a few adminny type points:


Please ensure that you tag your posts, as this enables people to find your stories in future. This isn't something that only the mods can do - it's one of the perks of membership, meaning that all members can tag their posts.

If you're not sure how to tag posts, you can use the 'edit tag' button after you've posted. It's next to your post on the main community page (and maybe even your friends page as well), or alternatively you can go to the actual post page itself and it will be at the top - it's the one that says 'tag' with a little pencil above it. You simply select tags from the list, and if you want to choose more than one, you hold down the ctrl key while selecting them all with your mouse. For this round, you should also tag the story with the year: 2008 autumn tag, as well as the author, genre and pairing tags.

If you are a new author who doesn't have an author tag or are writing a pairing that doesn't yet have a tag, we have a couple of 'new' tags that will enable us to pick them up and create tags for you. These are:

- author: new author; and
- pairing: new pairing.


If, for some unavoidable reason, you've been unable to finish your story by the deadline but wanted to post what you have so far so that your recipient isn't left without a story at all, please ensure that your post to the community is marked as a wip. This will ensure that readers know in advance that it isn't finished so that they can make a decision on whether or not to read the story now or, if they're wip-avoidant ::g::, leave it until it is finished. We're also considering marking the masterlist with stories that aren't yet finished to help with that, so please feel free to post the rest of the story to this comm as well as you're finishing it. And if we miss that the last part has been posted, please just poke us and we'll go and change the masterlist accordingly.

Stories not yet posted

Unfortunately we're missing quite a few stories this time around and we've not yet heard from those authors whether we can expect a story and if so when, or whether we need to arrange a pinch hit to ensure that their recipient receives a story. If you could please let us know as soon as possible one way or the other, either in a comment to this post, a reply to the comments we've left elsewhere or via PM, that would be much appreciated :)

And if you've already delivered your story but you're willing to step in and pinch hit, could you please let us know that as well :) It will make everything a little easier for [info]aithine and I.

Thank you.

Orphan prompts

Once everyone has a story, we'll do the same as we did last time and collect together a list of the unused prompts in case they inspire anyone to write, so watch this space :) Everyone - whether they have participated in the ficathons or not - is more than welcome to use anything that inspires them, and the orphan prompts posts are also handily tagged as such ::g::

Posting to other comms

Just in case these needs to be said, you are, of course, actively encouraged to cross post your fics to other comms if you want. We'll be doing an announcement post for the masterlist when it's more complete, but don't let that stop you.

Future ficathons

It's become clear that this ficathon hasn't gone quite as smoothly as the last one, and I knew we shouldn't have counted our chickens when we were so lucky last time ::g:: [info]aithine and I are going to be talking about what we can do in terms of tweaking the way the ficathon is run to hopefully improve things, and we're probably going to propose a few changes in terms of requests, responses and the like. So again, watch this space.

We'll be inviting comments when we make that post, so if you have anything you'd like to suggest, please watch out for that post and we'll be more than happy to pull them into consideration. We can even screen comments if people would prefer to give their feedback in private.

And finally, please don't forget to leave feedback on all of the wonderful stories that have been posted! I'm looking forward to reading them all once I've stopped the adminly flailing ::g::