Prideview Apartments

Welcome to Hell

Prideview Apartments


May 23rd, 2008

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Who: Jarvis, Tony and Pepper
Where: Jarvis's apartment
When: just after this
Rating: TBD

How did humans do it? Oh, most of the vital functions were autonomic - breathing and the like - but in return there was almost no conscious control over the more complex systems, and appalling weaknesses in the overall design. The sheer vulnerability to temperature was more than he'd expected, and he hadn't realised human skin was so soft and easily damaged.

Miss Potts would be here soon, though. She'd always been one of the most sensible humans he'd encountered, although considering he mostly encountered Master Stark, Master Stane and the various women Master Stark brought home, perhaps that wasn't saying terribly much.

Normally, if he was expecting somebody, Jarvis would have arranged for some show of hospitality. Coffee, at the very least. But organising things from the inside was very different from trying to work them out yourself, and he didn't have any of his usual systems here.

May 16th, 2008

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Who: Pepper and Tony
What: Some kind of surprise
When: Tonight
Warnings: Probably lots. Or it's possible she's gonna kick his ass.

Pepper wasn't quite sure where Tony was, or what he wanted, but she wondered if she shouldn't be mostly undressed when she got there. That's why she found out from Jarvis where he was, though she should have just looked in the shop anyways. She opened the sliding glass door and came inside, looking around for him.


May 2nd, 2008

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Who: Pepper and Tony
What: Smut
Why: Because we just saw Iron Man. Fuck off.
When: Tonight
Warnings: What did I just say?

Ready in wait )

April 8th, 2008

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Who: Pepper and Tony
What: The talk of Doom
When: today sometime
Where: Duh
warnings: God knows

This whole thing was weird and Pepper didn't know how to handle any of it. Which meant she wanted to just stay in her room and avoid it really, but he was the one that avoided things, not her. And so she left the tiny little apartment she had for herself and went up to Tony Stark's penthouse where she used to work. Used to because she had quit, stupidly after he had locked her inside. And now there was something going on with Satan of all people. Of course it was Satan. Pepper kind of felt like she was going nuts.

She knocked on the door.

April 3rd, 2008

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Who: Tony Stark and Pepper Potts
When: Middle of the night
Where: Tony's penthouse
Why: Tony got pissed, got hurt and he's come home to lick his wounds
Rating: R because we never know what is gonna happen

He hadn't been this pissed off in a long time, but it was enough to make him strap on his suit and beat up everything he could get a hold of. Which meant that he'd gone off to do some elaborate and in the process, he'd short-circuited something in the suit which caused him to get hurtled into the side of a concrete building that didn't give an inch. Which brought him back to his apartment, the iron suit fairly busted up and Tony limping. He hurt all over, and he was sure he cracked a rib or two, but what did it matter? Because what he didn't wasn't as important as working a nine to five job to some people.

Well, fuck her. And why had her opinion of him pissed him off that much? Maybe he was tired of his efforts being belittled in general. Whatever the reason, here he was, stumbling back into the apartment and having a hard time taking pieces of the armor off.
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