Prideview Apartments

Welcome to Hell

Prideview Apartments


May 23rd, 2008

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Who: Jarvis, Tony and Pepper
Where: Jarvis's apartment
When: just after this
Rating: TBD

How did humans do it? Oh, most of the vital functions were autonomic - breathing and the like - but in return there was almost no conscious control over the more complex systems, and appalling weaknesses in the overall design. The sheer vulnerability to temperature was more than he'd expected, and he hadn't realised human skin was so soft and easily damaged.

Miss Potts would be here soon, though. She'd always been one of the most sensible humans he'd encountered, although considering he mostly encountered Master Stark, Master Stane and the various women Master Stark brought home, perhaps that wasn't saying terribly much.

Normally, if he was expecting somebody, Jarvis would have arranged for some show of hospitality. Coffee, at the very least. But organising things from the inside was very different from trying to work them out yourself, and he didn't have any of his usual systems here.
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