Prideview Apartments

Welcome to Hell

Prideview Apartments


November 18th, 2008

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Who: Molly Walker and Monty Petrelli
What: Oops. They're stuck.
Where: Elevator B
When: Tonight
Rating: We'll see
Status: Started

Okay, this wasn't exactly the type of evening she had planned when she had said she didn't want to go out. Just some dinner and then flopping on the couch at home to watch TV; was that so much to ask? Apparently so, and it had Molly in a less-than-happy mood. She'd been heading back upstairs after dinner, and had thought the elevator would be faster than climbing all the stairs. After all, she was eighteen - she could be lazy if she wanted. Pfft, who needed stairs, particularly when she was already sleepy? Unfortunately, clearly someone was trying to tell her that she should have just taken the stairs. The feeling of slight vertigo she'd gotten when she had gotten into the elevator on the first floor hadn't been enough to warn her. Now, though . . . now it was too late, and she was stuck. Scowling to herself, Molly finished posting a post on the boards through her phone before glancing through to her companion in the elevator, the only light at the moment cast by the backlight on her cell phone's screen.

"So . . . uh . . . Hi."

November 14th, 2008

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Who: Monty, Heidi and Gabriel
What: Time Warp plot aftermaths.
Where: Heidi's apartment
When: Now!

Heidi and Gabriel had taken Monty to bed after dinner and ice cream -- it was understandable that the little boy would be exhausted after all the excitement of the past few days. She yawned, shifting in the bed to wrap her arms around her son and finding ... that he was a good deal larger than she remembered.

...this wasn't going to bode well for her, was it. She furrowed her brows, half-pushing to sit up in the bed. There was going to be a lot to explain when her boys woke up, she thought. She'd told Monty about her situation with his father, but she'd left a few key things out -- mostly regarding Gabriel -- because he'd been too young and innocent for her to tell him everything.
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