Prideview Apartments

Welcome to Hell

Prideview Apartments


February 6th, 2009

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WHO: Ianto Jones and Jack Harkness.
WHERE: Their flat.
WHEN: After this.
STATUS: Incomplete.

If he had timed it right... )

April 10th, 2008

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Who: Lisa & Ianto
What: Explanations and things.
When: Thursday night.
Where: Ianto & Jack's apartment
Rating: I'd say at least pg-13 for swears. Stay tuned as it goes along.

Take a deep breath close your eyes. You're a big girl time to act it. )

March 9th, 2008

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WHO: Ianto Jones and Toshiko Sato.
WHERE: Tosh's flat.
WHEN: Sunday night.
RATING: NC-17 for awkward sex.
STATUS: Started.

He didn't want to make things awkward between them )

February 26th, 2008

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WHO: Ianto Jones and Toshiko Sato (The Brain Trust of Torchwood).
WHERE: Tosh's flat.
WHEN: Monday Evening.
RATING: NC-17 for wild kinky sex. You wish.
STATUS: Started.

Ianto shut off his laptop and moved to the kitchen, fetching things to make tea. He'd always found making tea and coffee to be soothing, which was why he'd never had much of a problem with his support role at Torchwood Three, even though he'd held a very different position at Torchwood One. He looked at the different tins of tea he had and picked the Darjeeling, wanting something a little different. He wouldn't make it here because he preferred drinking fresh tea, so he took the tea, his kettle...just in case, and a tin of biscuits he'd bought, and headed out the door, telling Martha where he was going before he left so she wouldn't worry at all. He hated that they all worried about him.

When he reached Tosh's flat, he knocked on the door and waited for her to answer.

February 9th, 2008

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who. Captain Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones, & ( further down the road ) Martha Jones, & Gwen Cooper.
where. Outside the Master's penthouse, and back at Jack's place, where two extremely angry females will be waiting.
when. Saturday evening; before Martha and Gwen can arrive. Sneaky bastard.
rating. PG-13. For colorful language and equally colorful BLOODOOZINGFROMIANTO. >_>
status. Ongoing. Mk?

and I will try to fix you.. )

February 7th, 2008

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WHO: The Master and Ianto Jones (with appearances from Lucy Saxon).
WHAT: Tea and torture. The usual.
WHERE: The Master's penthouse.
WHEN: Wednesday afternoon.
RATING: It's the Master, so obviously G for rainbows and kittens.
STATUS: Started.

He still remembered what the Time Lord had said about poisoning tea )
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