Your daily dose of HP news - August 27th, 2008
- slow and unreliable

inkaddict posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]potter_prophet (posted by [info]inkaddict)
Date: 2008-08-27 23:59
Subject: Wednesday Edition
Security: Public
The Editor is listening to:Time After Time -John Barrowman

One Shots:
[info]emiime: The Seriously Secret Diary of Theodore Remus Lupin - (Percy/Harry, R, *warnings*)
[info]florahart: Good Behavior - (Charlie/Hermione, NC17)
[info]bronze_ribbons: Outskirting the Dark - (Severus/Remus, PG, *warnings*)
[info]envinyatar15: Go Ahead, Be Gone With It - (Kingsley/Remus, NC-17)
[info]alisanne: Revealed - (Harry/Draco, NC-17)
[info]emiime: Getting Better at Being Better - (Percy/Neville/Anthony, R, *warnings*)
anonymous in [info]hp_summersut: Playing With Fire - (Theodore/Morag, R, *warnings*)
anonymous in [info]hp_summersmut: Bashert - (Anthony/Percy, R, *warnings*)
anonymous in [info]hp_summersmut: I Miss You - (Harry/Ginny, NC-17, *warnings*)

Works In Progress:
[info]lordhellebore: A Long Goodbye and a Slow Becoming - has been updated with chapter 2/? (Severus/Remus, R, *warnings*)
son_of_darkness: The Comprehension Series - has been updated with chapter 49/? (Albus Severus/Scorpius, PG)
[info]rickey_a: And an Owl Named Romeo - has been updated with chapter 4/6 (Harry/Draco, NC-17)
[info]lordhellebore: A Long Goodbye and a Slow Becoming - has been updated with chapter 1/? (Severus/Remus, R, *warnins*)
[info]nimrod_9: Unplumbed Depths - has been udated with chapter 1/2 (Severus/Remus, R, *warnings*)

[info]torino10154: Lure - (Draco/Charlie, PG-13)
[info]alisanne: Like Chicken - (Harry/Ron, NC-17)
[info]alisanne: Recognition - (Draco, PG)
[info]unbroken_halo: Not So Secret Affair - (Neville/Bill, PG)
[info]solstice_muse: Cock - (Harry/Ron, NC-17)
[info]unbroken_halo: The Right Decision - (Snape, PG)
[info]drachenmina: Nondescript - (Severus, Remus, G)
[info]drachenmina: Interesting - (Remus, Severus, G)
[info]drachenmina: Beautiful - (Severus, Lucius, G)
[info]drachenmina: Ugly - (Severus, Lucius, G)
[info]torino10154: Breakthrough - (Severus/Harry, G)

anonymous in [info]hp_summersmut: In the Men's Shower - (Harry/Bill, NC-17, NWS)
[info]venturous: The Red Dress - (Severus/Harry, R, *warnings*)
[info]kirasha: Interlude - (Severus/Remus, PG)
[info]ericahpfa: Pheromones - (Remus/Sirius, NC-17, NWS)
[info]meghan70: The Five Of Swords - (Sirius, PG)

Community News:
[info]snapeartcontest: The new challenge is "Severus says Good-Bye and Thank You"
[info]snupin100: This week's challenge is kisses
[info]harryron100's new prompt is Chicken

[info]snapelike announces:The Large Cauldron Collider Ficlet Fest

Editor's Pick
[info]solstice_muse: Cock - (Harry/Ron, NC-17)

*shakes head at Harry* Griffs never think before they open their mounths, eh?
This drabble made me laugh so hard I woke my ferret and, believe me, that's *not* an easy feat. Bravo!

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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