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Poseidon OOC



August 30th, 2010

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Hey folks, just letting you know that this weekend (September 3, 4, & 5) is when the hurricane event will take place. I just thought it would be best to give a heads up. I'll re-post the Dean's warning and the scene event on Friday and we can go from there.

Sorry again for the retcon, hopefully this time there won't be any issues with scheduling and whatnot.

Thanks guys!

August 11th, 2010

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Overlooking the fact that Sydney was moving this week, I think it would be best to reschedule the hurricane event to a later date. That being said please ignore the posts to do with the event. They will be reposted when the time comes for the event to take proper place and we can have the characters respond as they should for such an event.

If you’d like to consult the event calendar for the dates to be prepared for when the time comes, be my guest.

Sorry about this guys, we’ll have a go in a couple more weeks. Thanks for putting up with the retcon.

June 22nd, 2010

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[info]fairyprincehero Dean Venture
[info]thereisnoentry Molotov Cocktease


Please make sure your characters have joined both [info]poseidonacademy and [info]poseidon_ooc. Thank you.

June 18th, 2010

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[info]dieforzep Brock Samson
[info]daddyspumpkin Triana Orpheus

[info]alcoholicdebt Cross Marian
[info]coldillusionist Kanda Yuu
[info]liberator Albert Wesker
[info]illbeseeingyou Death
[info]vanityparadise Morrigan Aensland
[info]yumenoshimae Honey Haninozuka
[info]dreamactress Paprika
[info]vicariousinner Light Yagami
[info]wbirkin William Birkin
[info]dark_princess Cymoril

Please make sure your characters have joined both [info]poseidonacademy and [info]poseidon_ooc. Thank you.

June 12th, 2010

Insert a witty and relevant song lyric here

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Hey everyone, this is Misa.

I've been wrestling with this decision for a while, but I've finally realized that it's time for me to drop PA. I've enjoyed my time here, the characters I've played and interacted with, and the people I've met, but writing for my characters has started to feel like a chore, and I realized that when I dropped Morrigan and Death.

Normally, I'd take a hiatus and come back full force, but I know that won't work this time. It's not fair if I keep my remaining characters (either to them, myself or the game). I also don't think resetting the characters would help (and I like the CR I've developed with both of them), so this is the decision I've arrived at.

Maybe I'll be back soon (or later), and if that happens, I'll look forward to gaming with you guys again. But for now, I'm going to leave the game and wish all of you the best. I hope you guys have fun, and enjoy writing your character's stories. I know I have, and that I've enjoyed the years I've spent here. If you want to say that my characters have kept in touch with yours, feel free. If not, that's fine, too.

I'll still be around on the interwebs, if you want to keep in touch! My AIM account is still styxbutterfly.

Thanks for the fun, PA. I'll miss you guys. <3

June 1st, 2010

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For personal reasons and the fact I am working another seven-day work week, I am taking a hiatus until the 9th of June. I'm hoping the week break will help me get through a few things.

I'm also dropping Wesker, officially, since I cannot for the life of me figure out what to do with him. So at this current moment in time please remove [info]liberator from your friends list. I may or may be back with him later if I can figure out something to do with him.

♥ I'll see you in about a week.

May 21st, 2010

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Hi~ It's been a while, and it was definitely coming, but I will be dropping my two DGM men, Cross Marian ([info]alcoholicdebt) and Kanda Yuu ([info]coldillusionist). I've lost their voices and I don't want to sit on them if someone else wants to take a chance at playing them. So feel free to remove those journals. :] Thanks!

May 16th, 2010

Back from hiatus and a character drop

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Hey everyone, it's Misa. I'll be coming off of hiatus here shortly, but before I started updating for my characters and catching up on backlogged journal entries, I wanted to let you guys know that I've decided to drop two of my characters. :| They've both had good runs, and I enjoyed writing for them, but their voices have packed their bags and gotten on the bus, so it's not fair to keep them.

I'll be dropping Death ([info]illbeseeingyou) and Morrigan ([info]vanityparadise). Please remove them from your friends lists. Thanks guys, and I'll be back to posting for my remaining characters shortly.

May 15th, 2010

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And it’s Megan. With Phoenix. Again.
There’s nothing more to say, for reals. >_>
Just… Add him at [info]turnaboutwright


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[info]turnaboutwright Phoenix Wright

[info]allforher Raphael Sorel
[info]armorclad Hilde
[info]aweofshe Dizzy
[info]bigoni Suika
[info]cuttingthispath Xianghua
[info]emoknight Seigfried
[info]immoral_flame Sol Badguy
[info]innocent_hero Kilik
[info]littleoni Yuugi
[info]lockedgirl Patchouli
[info]lovely_albion Amy Sorel
[info]scalpel_please Dr Faust
[info]seabounddandy Maxi
[info]withelegance Ky Kiske

Please make sure your characters have joined both [info]poseidonacademy and [info]poseidon_ooc. Thank you.

May 9th, 2010

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Hey everyone, Misa here. I already put this on the hiatus status post, but decided to post it here, too. I'll be on a hiatus from today until May 16, because there's a friend coming in-state for a week long visit. I'll still be around on AIM, though, and reachable via email (stryxbutterfly@gmail.com). I'll see you guys next Sunday! <3

May 1st, 2010

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Hey, Aaron here. I bring to you a new character (after months of writing his application). Here's Chris Redfield from the Resident Evil series. He'll be around to teach a basic firearms class. He comes from after the Lost in Nightmare's scenario, but before RE5's main campaign so he doesn't quite know what's going on with his partner.

So please, don't forget to add [info]ontheoffensive to your friends list.

April 29th, 2010

Hiatus Notification

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Saturday is the anniversary of my mother's death, so I am going to be on hiatus from tonight until Monday. I don't think I have anything going on here anyway, but just in case anyone's wondering why I vanished.

April 28th, 2010

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Hey guys, I apologize for how long I was lacking in being around. My cold is somewhat gone, I still feel rather nauseated most of the time but I think I’m slowly coming back. Not to mention that I was able to go in to my job to train for the day, so I think I’m on the road to feeling better! That said, I am going to get to posting/replying to characters asap. Again, sorry about being MIA!

Also! Thank you for the well wishes, much appreciated!

April 26th, 2010

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Yo~ Krissy here, just noting that I am calling a hiatus for this week.  My club has our upcoming pageant and banquet coming up this Wednesday and Saturday respectively, and thus me being in charge of PR (flyers, tickets, programs, etc) has burned me out pretty bad.  Hopefully by next week I'll be ready to be super active again!!

Take care~ ♥

April 21st, 2010

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I'm sorry for how much I've been lacking in being online. Sunday I went to the theater, but the line was really long and we had to stand in the rain for quite a while before we got in, and then we had to do it again while waiting for the car. I think that might have sprouted an illness within in me or something because I've been ill ever since late Sunday evening / early Monday morning. So I've been lying down most of the day, but yes — I'm going to attempt to respond to my tags and the like and I am still posting the ad for the comm (again, if you could bring in friends, I'd be grateful.)

If I'm not on AIM it's because I've either passed out or I'm afraid that I might do so, in which case it would be silly to start a conversation with someone only to kill over midway through and leave a person hanging.

If you need to get a hold of me for anything, such as questions about applying, plots, etc... You can email me because that I check every time I wake up. ikenie@tampabay.rr.com is the email you can reach me at.

Sorry guys, I'm hoping to get better soon. I am taking a bunch of meds to try and calm the nausea.

April 18th, 2010


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I know I just joined, but...I want interaction!


Does anyone want to plot with William Birkin or Cymoril?

April 16th, 2010


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This is Ilene, bringing in William Birkin. :3

He will be teaching various Chemistry and Biology courses.

Add him!

April 15th, 2010

And it's me again.

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I apologize for the spamming of your lists with the moderator journal, but it came to my attention that there had never been anything posted anywhere on the mod journal in which players of the game could see and read what the facilities on campus are like and what they have within them. As such, I have fixed that problem with providing you all with a list of areas on campus, including the music hall, training area, etc.

You can find it here.

If there are any questions, comments or concerns, you can always reach me on AIM via trouble truffle or simply reply here and I will do my best to answer your questions.

Thank you for being patient with me while I work out kinks from things that were left behind.

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Hello all, you may be thinking — who is the gentleman that is being used in the icon of the mod journal? (And if you’re not, you might be now) This is your new school dean — William Drake. He is a completely mod run NPC, you may of course have your students and faculty talk to him whenever you would like about whatever you would like as per the usual. The reasoning for the new Dean is as follows:

• Akio, while his fandom is currently not being played out, is still a character from a potential fandom that players can apply from. Rather than use a character from a fandom, it’s been decided that a regular NPC would work the best for the head of the school.

• The decision to use Akio as a dean was made before I was the solitary moderator of the game. The other two moderators at that time were familiar with his character where I am not; I have no knowledge of his canon or his personality, as a result when it comes time for any scene work that would involve the dean (i.e. celebrations, etc.) I would have no idea how to play him for you all to communicate and work with.

• As far as I am aware, the character of Akio is somewhat of a less than professional man, a deviant if you will — as such, it would be preferred if the dean is someone more suitable for such a role, someone who is more professional and wouldn’t be frowned upon as head of the facility. After all, despite this being a game it is still run at a school and should at least be mildly reflective of that.

Additionally, if any player for whatever reason would like to actually scene out with the new dean, that is completely fine — however if you want to do such please have a good reason for doing so (i.e. needing a new room, teaching position, etc.) He will not be commenting on character journals and is usually found in his office on campus where he is usually mighty busy.

If there are any questions, comments or concerns you may reach me via AIM at trouble truffle or you can comment here and I will do my best to help you out. Thanks guys.
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