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Sunday, January 9th, 2005

    Time Event
    OK you lot...

    Original poster: snapesdarkling

    I need a name for this here RPG.
    If you have an idea, no matter how lame you think it is, post it here as a comment. If required, I will put the names to the vote so we all get a chance to choose the one we like most. It is important to me that we all feel some sense of ownership of the game, not just me.

    So, I await your suggestions.

    BTW The RPG has places for artists too. It would be great to have illustrations and original icons etc. So dont think you are being left out if your main talent is drawing.


    A Welcome Touch HP/SS NC17

    Original poster: irana

    Title: A Welcome Touch
    Author: Irana Potter-Snape
    Pairing: HP/SS
    Rating: NC17
    Summary: After a patrol that led to ambush, Snape and Harry need some downtime.
    Disclaimer: The pretty blond British woman owns everything you recognize. Everything you don't belongs to me.
    Feedback: It makes me happy.
    A/N: The primary idea came from an IM with [info]celticangel1976, an idea which changed halfway through the fic, but this fic is written for [info]soobunny for Gift Ficlet Request Cookie Jar who wanted Harry/Snape wartime. I wanted to write smut, but smut with underlying emotion. I hope this managed to capture that. Word count: 1250.
    Beta(s): [info]celticangel1976 & [info]essayel Thanks ladies. you rock muchly.


    They lurched through the opening of the cave, hurriedly reaffixing wards and illusion charms, grateful beyond words for the ward stones that held and amplified the charms that they set, allowing them to relax and regroup. Hermione had developed the charms, her and Flitwick before he died, working ceaselessly until the ward stones worked flawlessly.

    The two men had been partners for a long time now, well over three years since Voldemort attacked Hogwarts in the middle of Harry's seventh year. Albus had thought they would do best together, as Severus always seemed to be there to pull Harry's arse from the fire. Reluctantly, they had begun to work together, but found that they made a splendid team, often anticipating the needs of the other, moving like one well-oiled machine. Eventually the two came to deeply respect each other, to hold certain affection for the other. Read more... )

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