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Monday, January 10th, 2005

    Time Event
    FIC: The Care Of Infants

    Original poster: stellahobbit

    TITLE: The Care Of Infants
    AUTHOR: [info]stellahobbit
    RATING: NC-17
    DISCLAIMER: All hail J.K. Rowling! I love her boys, and love to let her boys love each other. She owns them, I’m just using them for the smut.
    BETA: [info]loupgarou1750
    SUMMARY: A curse from Voldemort regresses Harry to infancy. Snape must protect him while the Order tries to find a way to reverse the spell.

    The Care Of Infants

    Fic: HP/SS, The Slytherin Within

    Original poster: ziasudra_fic

    Title: The Slytherin Within
    Author: Ziasudra ([info]ziasudra_fic)
    Warning/Kinks: Graphic description of DE activities, character death. Dark/Angst
    Rating: Hard R/NC-17
    Pairing: Snape/Harry (Harry’s over 16 in this)
    Words: 1,591
    Disclaimer: Nothing in the hp universe is mine. And I'm poor...
    Comments: Please! Muchly appreciated!!!

    I wanted to write something in honor of Snape's birthday. Really. But there was not an ounce of fluff in my muse, and this came out. Happy Birthday anyway, Severus Snape.

    x-posted on Jan. 9 at [info]snape_potter, [info]hpslash, and [info]ziasudra_fic

    The Slytherin Within

    They are giving me an Order of Merlin, First Class. A bloody Order of Merlin. First bloody Class. I am hailed as the new hero of the Wizarding World. World renown Potions Master, according to Cornelius Fudge. Respected. Death Eater past forgotten.


    Current Mood: okay
    RPG news

    Original poster: snapesdarkling

    OK. I may be premature but it looks like the name Dark Hope Rising is the preferred title for the RPG. THank you to those of you who cast your vote in the poll. I have started making a shell for the community but need a little help with a couple of things:

    1) I need artwork for the info page and also for character icons;
    2) I need help with the layout of the comm.

    If you can help with either of these, just leave me a comment. Thanks.

    To date I have a rough plot and an idea of which characters will be used. [info]deep_emerald has offered to write up each week's activities on the comm into a narrative style fic so that it is easy for everyone to keep up with what has been going on. Huge thanks and hugs to you, emerald for such a generous offer.

    Also, [info]mnstr_fics and [info]essayel have agreed to be Non Playing Characters and provide support to me and probably a shoulder to cry on as well. Essayel is due many thanks for the brainstorning over the plotline and offers of other help. [info]bella_the_dark has agreed to help me with moderation and this is gratefully accepted.

    SO, all I have to do is get off my arse and build the thing then put out the call for apps.

    If you are interested, or have questions please leave a comment here.

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