May 16th, 2012

[info]stayoffthegrass in [info]playthingsooc


So Tycho, here, has been the Power That Is for the past two days (since Monday started, so I guess technically that's almost-three). Now, logically, you may be asking, on the behalf of your poor bewildered characters, what has Tycho been doing to make life interesting* for the Playthings?

* yes, I do mean in terms of the Chinese curse of "interesting times".

The answer is: Nothing, apparently!

And the key to that is, of course, the apparently part.

Tycho is certainly quite pleased that there are so many new toys out and about, and has completely failed to issue any clear warnings about his own personal preferences, likes and dislikes, to any of them. So if some of those who have been around a Long Time remember, and feel like being nice to some of those newer residents, well, he's not going to stop them, but he's also not going to commend them for it, you know?

So far, if you have not been doing anything remotely harmful to the plant life in the area, you've gotten a free pass from Tycho.

On the other hand, if you're the kind of guy who ditches your cigarette butts in the grass, or who thinks digging things into the dirt because you're bored and you have something pointy is a great way of fixing that boredom, or you have some sort of magical pulse-blast that has a dangerous tendency to destroy the plant life around you... well, let's just say that Tycho has not put you on his Nice List, shall we?

Anything vegetative around you, as a result, is going to start looking Unfriendly. Think "holy crap, the oak tree tried to act like a Venus fly trap!" levels of unfriendly. That big tree overhead just dumped a lot of water on you, and now you're completely soaked with wet sappy pollen and all your cigarettes have been ruined. Run wild; the plants sure are! ;)

What's more, over the weekend (in case I forget to update again before then), things are going to get a whole hell of a lot wilder. Remember the movie Jumanji? Remember when the jungle took over the Parrish mansion?


The entire building's gonna be like that.

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