Sep. 20th, 2012


OKAY, SO. I know things have been quiet here. I know that. BUT I AM STUBBORN, and I don't want to lose this outlet for the characters I've already committed to it (and any I might not have another place for), so consider this my I AM STILL HERE AND WILL BE PLAYING declaration. Even if only one other person plays with me at any given time, I'll keep playing. :D

For reference, MY ROSTER:

TÉ » Angel OC » [info]diabelek. [ PTB ]
OLIVIA 'LIV' REYNOLDS » Supernatural OC » [info]sneaksy.
MARY WINCHESTER » Supernatural » [info]asadsong.
ALISON 'ALI' WILLIAMS » Hawaii Five-0 OC » [info]jerseygirl.
SAETAN DAEMON SaDIABLO » Black Jewels series + GH » [info]saetan.
MARIAN (YASLANA) » Black Jewels series » [info]hearthwitch.
CLAIRE WINCHESTER née BENNET » Heroes + GH » [info]regenerating.
BEN BRAEDEN-WINCHESTER » Supernatural + GH » [info]littlepimp.
THOR » Marvel movies » [info]ooonicefeathers.
ELENA GILBERT » The Vampire Diaries » [info]makesmestrong.
JOSEF KOSTAN » Moonlight » [info]hiresomeone. ( PENDING )

Elena and Thor need intros, which I'll be doing as I upload icons/feel the muse, and Josef is still pending because I need to submit his journal/upload icons. ELENA I AM DOING TODAY.

P.S. I'm giving Saetan some memories from BLC, all Alex-centric, BECAUSE I MISS THAT DYNAMIC.

May. 29th, 2012


YOU GUYS ROCK. No, really. I enjoyed all the wargame posts and I hope you enjoyed it all too!

Even if Saetan should blow the battlefield to bits shortly (the field. Not the people. I am not Rude McModstein) because STACEY IS A TROUBLEMAKER, as of in-game SUNRISE TUESDAY (that would be today for everyone east of Cal-li-four-nigh-ay), your characters will be back in their apartments. Any wounds Karla was tending were given a healing boost, if you want it, and your characters can keep their favorite wargame weapon as a 'souvenir'.

TÉ THANKS YOU FOR PLAYING. And will be handing out some sort of award to the victors, once she picks the reward and the winners. Don't even ask how she decides, she's Té, it'll probably involve bubblegum and the Large Hadron Collider, and it could be tomorrow or three months from now (though more like, in the next week).

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May. 23rd, 2012


WAR, WHAT IS IT GOOD FOR? Té amusement, of course! )
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May. 5th, 2012


JUST FYI - since more than a few of mine aren't from techy worlds/times, I'm adding what they're using (magic notebook versus computer/phone) to their profiles. JUST IN CASE IT MATTERS TO ANYONE. Since I use [...] as an OOC note to indicate where the pen was rested/being tapped on the page (AKA PAUSES), and obviously no one would ICly TYPE THAT into a computer, I thought I'd clarify.

Also, Dani and I sorted out Liv & Stephen's arrival times, so Stephen and Ali were already sharing an apartment as of last night, I just didn't get to have Ali post today about OMG MATT BOMER IN MY APARTMENT yet because Ali has been have gleefits over Danny and Gracie (THANK YOU, YOU TWO, I LOVE YOU). Just so Stacey knows for Gracie arriving today, and so Liv's friends know, since we're working on our log still and Liv would have contacted them previously about her brother being here, still injured/on the mend, and thus re-cooperating in the clinic.

February 2020



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