Jun. 7th, 2012


Have none of you figured this out yet? Really? I had such high expectations for all of you. So disappointed.

Jun. 6th, 2012


Things have been seriously quiet around here. Which is strange to me, my little dumplings, because supposedly there is no rest for the wicked.


May. 9th, 2012


Alright, where's a good bar? I've got Monopoly money burning a hole in my pocket, and a few hours to burn before the Senior Partners pull me back.

Damn, this is some of the weirdest shit they've pulled to date. That girl was just creepy.

[OOC: Posted several hours after Claire, late afternoon]

May. 5th, 2012




This is different.


YOU PEOPLE ARE ALL BEAUTIFUL AND GLORIOUS AND SO VERY MUCH FUN. Really. You really, truly are. And so many new people have come to play lately! This is fantastic!

To celebrate, and give you new toys a hearty welcome to the playground, I'm going to be nice. I'm going to set out a glorious, fantastical feast for all of you. Tonight. 6 o'clock sharp, don't be late. And come hungry.

This is all.

May. 3rd, 2012


Okay, what?

[ ooc: intro post! ]

May. 1st, 2012



So, the water's off in the building today. The pipes have turned to snakes.