Jun. 19th, 2012


[ ooc: posted first thing in the morning lol ]

This is amazing!

Tycho, if I weren't already married back home I think I would be throwing myself at you right now. If anyone sees me climbing their new house, please don't be offended. I just need to see it all!

Karla I love you and I'll make sure you can get around but I need to explore!!

May. 22nd, 2012


Take it Off is closing early today. My apologies to anyone this inconveniences.

general psychic communication )

Ebon-gray spear thread to Saetan )

May. 12th, 2012


I turned around for a moment and my full cup of coffee disappeared from the counter. Fifteen minutes later I found it in the freezer.

Not amused. Do not mess with a Queen's coffee.

May. 5th, 2012



[ ooc: side note, with permission Jih is going to be randomly changing between being 5'4" and 4" lol -- when her normal size she's got her pixy wings, dust, and can pix people. Which is really just like making them really, really itchy and uncomfortable ]

May. 4th, 2012


Could someone be so kind as to explain what is going on?

[ ooc: midday of the 4th, many hours after Lucivar's arrival - she's using the magic notebook, so her posts would be rendered a bit differently, at least font-wise, OR SO I'D IMAGINE? We can combine any psychic stuff into this post to save space, since I know the Blood would have sensed her, but she'd have withdrawn as soon as she realized the Jewels around her were darker and unfamiliar (she's pre-Winsol/meeting the Coven), PLUS I WANT FACE DOUBLE LULZ ]