June 3rd, 2012

[info]aracquine in [info]playthingsnet

There are apple trees here! The apples are really wonderful and I climbed up and up the tree trunk as much as I could, but then there was one that was way too high up and I stood up on all of my back legs and had all of my front legs going all the way up the tree and streeeetched my neck and muzzle and still couldn't get it.

So there was this nice yellow-haired dude and he got it for me and it was very friendly and the apples are really good so everyone should try them. Yep. Also this sky is neat.

[info]handygordo in [info]playthingsnet

Things is getting a little crowded in here, ain't they? So, the bosses have decided to open up another building for residence. If anyone would like to move, this would be the time to speak up.