February 7th, 2008

[info]marley__ in [info]playersresource

Hey. I'm looking for a couple of characters for a private-based group. All the information can be found here at [info]privacy__.

In order of Importance
For Marauders: Alecto Carrow, James Potter, Ted Tonks, Peter Pettigrew, Severus Snape, Frank & Alice Longbottom, and anyone you don't see here.

For Trio (Which we're just now starting!): Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom, Susan Bones...and the list goes on.

Any questions can be sent here, the journal above or to AIM laugh actually.


[info]mugetsu in [info]playersresource

Looking for a SL; greetings, everyone!

Hi; I'm going to post two forms here because at the moment, I'd be ecstatic if I could get one or the other that fits my 'what I'm looking for list' perfectly!

I've honestly spent a couple of days browsing through private story-line asylums and general RPG promotion asylums, but I can't find what I'm looking for. I'm not into celebrity/real-life RP, certain fandoms (X-Men, Supernatural, etc) or 'fluff' games.

To get this across first before you read what I've added down below: please, for the love of god and all that is unholy too: do NOT seek a private storyline/one-on-one RP or request me to join an RPG that you're in if you are not a dedicated, permanent role-player who is not into plot and character development & interaction!

I've had enough of making friends with complete strangers, we work for  a week or so on a private SL or join a game together, become good friends, blah blah, and it always ends in WTF drama (Where for some reason IC=OOC, my partner gets upset because I'm playing with someone else. =/) or where it turns out that they only wanted to play with me 'until their boy/girlfriend got online'.

There, I said it. Now, back to my forms! =D

Looking for Characters to fill an SL: OOC Profile and RP Requirements
Name: Mugetsu, Mug, Muggy, etc.
Age: 21

Game: (See my list down below)
Fandom: (See my list down below)
Format: Journal/Community, not enough time for an IM RP.
Genre: I do canon, believable AU canon, and original. (All of this for both fandom RPs and 100% original RPs!)
Who you're in search of (and list as many as you want/need!):

My experience and what you should know about me
I've been role-playing for twelve years now. I've played in most forms, from chat-rooms to MU* to blogs/journals, to communities and groups, to IM, etc. I am deeply into and obsessed with deep, meaningful plot, character development and interaction, stuff to help the character(s) grow and develop (trauma, mindfucks, torture, relationships, etc). I do not role-play fluff nor do I like it. I do relationships/pairings over time, not over night/instant love. I do both yaoi and het, as well.

May 2010



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