February 6th, 2008

[info]amor_remanet in [info]playersresource

Looking for Characters to fill an SL
Game: [info]rent_asunder via [info]asundermods
Fandom: Harry Potter
Format: Threading and AIM-based, with first-person journals.
Genre: Postwarts; AU post-HBP
Contact: email asunder.mods@gmail.com, AIM: SailorStarPoet, comment here, or PM this journal or [info]asunder_mods.
Who you're in search of: For Remus Lupin ([info]tothelast), I'd really like some more senior Order members; we have him, Minerva, Tonks, and Hestia, but we could really use a KINGSLEY SHACKLEBOLT, among others. Additionally, everyone in the Order (and the Order supporters living in Grimmauld Place) really, really want to see a MOLLY WEASLEY, especially her children (we have Ron, Ginny, George, and Percy) and her daughter-in-law of six months (Penelope Clearwater). She's lost Fred and Arthur in the backstory, but those losses brought Percy ([info]thatsmisterprat) back to the family, so her family is as complete as it can be; currently, she's sort of the pet NPC in Grimmauld Place, since everyone mentions her and what she's doing, and we'd love to have her actually around. Outside of the good guys, Remus really wants to see a FENRIR GREYBACK and a PETER PETTIGREW, for antagonism, bitterness, etc.

For Zacharias Smith ([info]captainzach), I'd most like to see a JUSTIN FINCH-FLETCHLEY to complete his and Ernie Macmillan's ([info]earnest) little trio, or a ROSE ZELLER for Zach to be obnoxiously protective of (in a big brother sense). More Hufflepuffs in general would be great, though, especially if they're from the Trio's year.

For Gabriel Harper ([info]voxgabrieli), I'd like more Slytherins and Reactionary Federation members, especially BLAISE ZABINI (who is also wanted by our Draco, Theodore, Tracey, and Gwen Rivers), MARCUS FLINT, TERENCE HIGGS, Millicent Bulstrode, a "? Vaisey," and anyone else from Slytherin House. Draco, Tracey, and Astoria would also like having a DAPHNE GREENGRASS around.

And for Kirley Duke ([info]masquenada), I'd definitely like the rest of the Weird Sisters; we already have a Donaghan Tremlett, an Orsino Thruston, and a Myron Wagtail, but we'd love to have the other four around, for hijinks and general anarchy. For Kirley specifically, though, I'd like to see his mum, Catriona McCormack, and his older sister, Meghan McCormack. There's a backstory already worked out for the three of them (which you can read in full here), but the summary is that, after Kirley and Meghan's father died, Catriona remarried and, although Meghan was already old enough to be living on her own and not be entirely invested in this, Kirley was very deeply affected by it. He hasn't really talked to Catriona in a long while, but he'd like to have a better relationship with Meghan, if possible.

May 2010



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