Posts Tagged: 'series:+tales+of+the+abyss'



sweet dreams, sweeter wakings

the 'fell asleep on' meme. )



[old event/open]

[Hello, gentle viewer. Would you like a crying little boy running into the back of your knees in a frenzy? Or worse, clutching your pant leg? No? Well, here's one anyway.

Beyond the sniffling and the hiccuping, you may be able to make out the words,

Where's Mary?

[You're not just going to leave him there, are you?]



[Non-Event | Open]

[Asch is running down the street, pressed close to the walls of this unfamiliar city and all but shoving past whoever happens to be in his way. There's no time. There's never been any time. But what he's really having trouble figuring out is why those idiots are late. They'd agreed to be standing by with the airship as soon as he finished up at the Sephiroth, and yet they're nowhere to be found! He's not paying them to pull a vanishing act at such an inconvenient moment...!]

Dammit! What could they possibly be doing?!

[And why is his sense of direction completely failing him? He must have gotten turned around somehow...]




[Guy examines the street up and down, eyes fixed for any slightest motion.

Where has Luke gotten to now.

Non-Event --Open

[The city he suddenly found himself wasn't all that different than what he was used to. Even if it had been completely different than what he was used to, it wouldn't have set off any alarms right away. The funny thing about dreams is no matter how strange or outrageous a dream is, the subconscious always finds a way to rationalize it. There was an itching at the back of his mind, attempting to alert him that he should be wary of this place. For now, he didn't worry about it too much.]

Huh, I don't remember heading out to pick anything up. Maybe I'm starting to sleep walk.

[Grins to himself and ruffles the back of his fluffy hair. The more he started to explore the streets, the more he wanted to scratch that itch. His wanderings eventually take him to convenience store. Hey, if he's going to be dazed and confused he might as well enjoy a slushie while he's at it.]

[ooc: Dinking around a bit and voice testing.]



[ !event ] open~

[ standing in an open field with his hands on his hips, staring up at the sky. man, let this be a lesson to him: never, ever let your guard down for any reason. sometimes you wake up in weird fields, thankfully with all your clothes on and no questionable drugs lingering in your system or blanks in your memory.

except for the fact that he can't even slightly remember how he got here, Yuri feels fine. after a moment, he drops his head forward and lets out a sigh. ]

Man, not this again.

((ooc: My impatience for the next app round, let me show it to you.))



[event | open]

[A small girl in a plain dress stands on a street corner. She doesn't cross, or even take a step, but just stares with widened eyes at her surroundings, some of which she's only ever seen in books. Like the trees and sky.

This must be the Outer Lands then. Which means her brother should be here too, so she should stay put and wait for him to come and get her. She has such confidence in that fact, and is too curious at the moment to panic about being in an unfamiliar place.

She fidgets though, casting a guilty glance down the street quickly before making a hesitant step; even knowing what she should do, she can't help but want to explore on her own. Before she has to go back down to Yulia City.

...Van wouldn't be mad if she looked around a little bit, would he...?]

[[ooc: Have a fully regressed Tear standing/ wandering around to kill you with moe ♥ Anyone welcome, though tags might be somewhat slow at first as I get used to this /o/]]



[ event || open~ ]

[ if by "event" we mean, standing in front of the table of dubious berries with a thoughtful expression on his face and absolutely not sampling anything, that is. he's just -- interested in the presentation, and wondering all sorts of things about who laid out such a display. are they really planning on catching people stupid enough to eat strange food from an unknown source?

after a moment more, he straightens up, and begins to look around for animals on which to test this generously proffered food. ]



[Event - Open]

[Diva rolled onto her side, cracking open her eyes. Sinlight, too bright! Snarling, she sits up, no less pleased by the sight of ribbons hanging from trees and across the lawn. Not even the baskets upon baskets of strange delicate fruit could keep her from salivating with ire.]

[Flitting off the gazebo roof, Diva lands on a table, half-crouched over one of the baskets. Reaching, she tries one, red flesh coating her lips as she ate. Not as good as blood, but sweet and wet on her tongue. Diva laughs, tasting another and another, flinging blueberries and tossing apricots aside to get at what she wanted. Twirling, she doesn't mind when the basket goes flying off the table. There were more if she needed them, but paper shredding, ribbons fluttering as they tore, her feet stained with the juice of ripe flesh squished beyond recognition was far more amusing, far more wonderful than she had expected upon first awakening.]

[Diva was having fun.]

((ooc: Mun is tired of making icons and thought she'd voice test instead. Also needed something to jump start her into tagging people again Sorry!))

For quick reference )