Posts Tagged: 'series:+the+vampire+diaries'


Open → Non Event

[Near a block of apartment buildings, there is a boy. He's not overly tall and he's dressed from head to toe in dark clothing. There isn't anything unusual about him. At least not appearance-wise anyway.

But the truth of the matter is, is that Stefan Salvatore is no ordinary teenager. In fact he isn't even a teenager at all. He's 161 year's old, but eternally he will be seventeen forever.

Stefan Salvatore is a vampire and he's currently very confused.]

[ OOC: Voice-testing Stefan Salvatore from The Vampire Diaries. His canon point is based around a quarter of the way through of the pilot episode, before he meets Elena Gilbert. I am possibly planning on apping him at [info]marinanova ]



sweet dreams, sweeter wakings

the 'fell asleep on' meme. )


[Anyone who walks into the shop will see a row of dummies plus one Neal Caffrey. He's currently preoccupied with relieving a dummy of the very nice suit it's wearing, but that doesn't mean you can't stop by and stare at him.]

I'm sure no one will miss this.



non-event // open

[walking, walking, walking, angrily walking, then]

[a sudden SNAP and Caroline staggers. she almost hits the floor, but manages to stay up by grabbing a nearby bush and uprooting it accidentally.]

...Seriously? [inspects her right foot. the heel is dangling by a thread.] No, no, no - you've got to be kidding! I just bought these last week! I knew I shouldn't have trusted that salesgirl. Especially with that neon shirt and the tacky jewelry.

Ugh this - totally - sucks.
