February 5th, 2008

[info]perhin in [info]perhin_fics

Fandom: slash to het

I am confused once again about my fandom. I'm moving away from slash into het more and more, and I'm to the point where I don't even like reading House/Wilson much anymore(I'll still write it though) and would rather read some House/Cameron or Wilson/Cuddy, and now Volakis/Wilson. I even created a het community,[info]house_het!

It just feels weird because of all the slash I've written and read over the years.

I've now got my het goggles on, and the slash ones are in a drawer somewhere. I even 'squeed' when Amber(CTB) came on the screen. And even though it was weird watching them kiss, it was cute!


[info]perhin in [info]perhin_fics

Some Fics Under Lock

Some of my fanfictions are going to be friends-locked. So, if you still want to read them, you have to watch the community. Anybody I find abusing the comment button(trolls or any other) you will be banned.


[info]perhin in [info]perhin_fics

It'll End

Title: It'll End
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: House/Wilson
Summary: House finally believes in dreams.
Warning: Character Deaths
Note: Written for the 'Death' prompt for [info]12_stories.

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[info]perhin in [info]perhin_fics


I've upgraded this account to Plus. I don't have to see the ads, as I already have a paid account, but if you don't want to see the ads on here, use adblocker on Firefox. ;)

I really like the comment pages and the use of your custom mood theme for a community.